Child Seers and Excuses

When child seers declare, “Because, mom, I can see things!” it can mean trouble. Our eight year old pulled that line out this week as an excuse for poor behavior. She was lamenting that she didn’t have any friends. She said no one likes her.  Her mom asked, “How do you know that no one likes you?” And she pulled…

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“I am a teen seer” – Her story

It’s worth listening when a teen seer has a story worth telling.  We have several more visitors to this blog than when I launched this site. I wanted to basically re-post this story of Evangeline (not her real name), who is a teenaged seer.  View her story here. I’m hoping she’ll share more of her stories soon, but being a…

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Field Report from Teen Seers

I’m continually surprised what teen seers report to me that they can see. I was at a youth conference giving a seminar on how to pray for healing for people.  I asked for a volunteer who felt a lot of pain or was sick to come up, so I could demonstrate how to pray. A lady (an adult mentor of…

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“Who is that?”

Last night at youth group, a student came up to me during worship time (when we had music playing and were worshiping God as a group). I was in the back, behind the dozen students and leaders.  Her eyes were wide open. “Who is that?” she asked. I said, “Who?” She said, “The woman in the bright sun dress.” I’m…

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Site Updates

I decided to make some changes to this site. I found the overall look and feel hard to see, pun intended. Also, I thought I’d bring the overall worldview that I hold more into the spotlight, so some of the boilerplate language has been changed. I attended a youth retreat with about 400 other adult leaders and teens, and some…

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Seers and Drugs

I had lunch a few weeks ago with a Seer, and we discussed seers and drugs. His gifting is different than some of the others I talk about. He doesn’t see spirits, but he can read the spirit of a person, as in detecting their aura. He can see people’s destinies, and prophetically say it. He can tell a person’s…

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Seers and Spiritual Assignments – What Spirits Look Like

I spoke with a young, teenaged seer last week.  She made some interesting statements, which I’m trying to work out. Another teenager introduced me to this girl for the first time. She said, “She needs to tell you something.” The young woman said that this would sound crazy.

Infants and Seeing Angels

My wife and I noticed something interesting from our infant daughter yesterday at church.  She is 9 months old. Normally, during church services, she is in the nursery. Yesterday, because she fell asleep, my wife brought her into the auditorium.  She woke up. My wife had her cradled in her arms.  She looked at me and smiled (always a heart…

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Not by sight

A seer sent me this picture yesterday with the text, “…the last line kinda made me laugh a bit.” She added, “When I first read it I started laughing and my friend asked what was so funny and I showed her and it tooker a moment but she started laughing too.”  It’s good to have friends who understand the seeing…

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