Seers and a One Way Trip to the Loony Bin

No One to Talk To I spoke with a seer this week who attends a church. She said she doesn’t have anyone to talk to about her seeing gift because her religious leaders declared, “the gift of seeing is Bible times stuff and I should probably talk to my therapist about it.” She added, “I’m smart enough to not talk…

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Ruth Reports: A Seer’s Thoughts on Seeing Demons

Editor’s Note: This is one of the best articles ever posted on this site, specifically for seers who question what or why they see. This post continues a series of articles from my friend Ruth, who is growing in her seer gift. Subheads and emphasis added. Please share your thoughts about this in the comments below.  Ruth Reports: My Thoughts…

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Questions from Seers

Reader Questions and My Responses I often receive reader emails and questions from seers, asking my opinion on this or that. Occasionally, I’ll blog the dialogue, as I think the greater community of my readers and other visitors might benefit. Recently, a reader asked several questions that are well outside the norm of what I normally receive, and I thought…

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See the Unseen

This morning, the Sunday sunrise hit my cup of coffee through the window and illuminated the steam in a beautiful way. I called my children to watch the steam curl and move with infinite grace.   Coffee and Me I drink coffee nearly every day. For me, drinking coffee is an experience I savor. I enjoy the sound of the beans…

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SSM Ep 7: What is Your Decapolis?

Seers See Ministries Podcast Ep 7: What is Your Decapolis? Another discussion regarding how to live a life naturally involved in the supernatural. What happens when a Paranormal Investigation gets out of hand? In one situation, the investigators call for a couple of Christians to come and help. You’ll never guess what happened when they arrived… which led Amy to…

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I See Gold Sparkles and Gold Dust

“I saw gold paint dripping down the walls,” she said. And later she added, “I see gold sparkles.” And she motioned with her fingers like rain from heaven. I looked around and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Another time, a different teen said, “I saw gold dust falling from heaven and shooting out of the vents.” (The fans that blew…

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SSM Ep6: Aftermath of the Tower of Babel

Seers See Ministries Podcast Episode 6: Aftermath of the Tower of Babel Hang onto your hats. This podcast jumps into the world that seers sometimes can see into, and the spiritual forces behind our physical reality, which stemmed from the certain events related to the Tower of Babel. Download this episode (right click and save)  

When Seers See Angels

We often discuss on this site how seers can see demons and spirits. I haven’t much discussed the idea of seers who see angels. Aside from the main article on “What are Angels“, there are only few of our testimonies that make mention of a seer seeing an angel, including this one and this one. Seers can see angels, at times….

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SSM Ep5: The Spoken Word is Powerful

Seers See Ministries Podcast Episode 5 I spoke recently at my church. The topic is not particularly related to seeing in the spirit realm, but it is related to a worldview that comprehends the supernatural reality of the spiritual. It was a part of a sermon series our church was going through over the summer. I was given a passage…

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