Seeing the Heavenly Host

The Bible talks a lot about the “heavenly host”, “LORD of Hosts“, “host of heaven”, “heaven’s armies”, etc., depending on the translation. The Old Testament has many references about gods and God. While there is One God, maker of heaven and earth, who established a relationship with the nation of Israel, the Biblical writers clearly reference the other “gods.” This phrasing…

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Ruth’s Story: The Journey of a Modern Day Seer Part 3

This is the final installment of a 3-part introduction to a new writer here at Seers See Ministries. Unlike me (Doug), Ruth is a modern day seer. I know for some, the concepts on this site are crazy and maybe even dangerous. To them, I say this about Jesus: It’s not as if he were a tame lion. So we…

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Ruth’s Story: The Journey of a Modern Day Seer Part 2

This continues from Part 1 the testimony of Ruth, a modern day seer, and a new writer to this site. Seeing the World Ablaze, Part 2 When I was 12 years old I started to hear creepy music in my room when I was trying to fall asleep at time. I started to wear earplugs to drown out the music…

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Introducing Ruth: One of the Modern Day Seers

I am excited to introduce Ruth, one of many modern day seers I personally know and consider a friend. I have invited her to share some of her wisdom about the seeing gift as a writer on this site.  By way of introduction, Ruth prepared her testimony, which we’ll release in three parts. Ruth’s story is amazing. It will outrage…

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Sleep Paralysis

I received this email quite some time ago from a woman in South Africa: I feel like I am going crazy… I am suffering for night terrors, and often wake up (or on the edge of sleep) with someone watching me sleep… I had similar dreams as a child, and also remember seeing ‘things’. Help? Please? I receive quite a few messages…

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Prophecy, Seers and Prophets

Many people who come to this site do so using search terms that involves “Prophets and Seers.” This article examines the difference between Prophets and Seers, and the gift of prophecy and the seeing gift.  The Office of Seer and the Office of Prophecy Not all people who prophesy or see in the spirit realm are Prophets (or Seers) from…

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I See Shadows at Night

Some people see shadows at night. It’s sometimes hard to quantify just what people are seeing. A trick of their imagination? A trick of light? Slipping into a partial dream? In some ways, the interpretation of what is being seen depends on your worldview. By definition, someone’s worldview, which operates primarily on the subconscious level, won’t even consider some interpretations that…

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SSM Ep4: From Worldviews to Babel

I talk about Worldviews and illustrate my point through a healing prayer story. Then I begin an overview of the entire story of the Bible, from this perspective of God being good, light and love, as well as truth, holy, and sovereign. How could Jesus view God as good, when he destroyed the world in Noah’s flood? I discuss it…

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Parenting a Child Who Can See Spirits

It can be challenging parenting a child who can see spirits. At first, you may not understand what it is your child is reacting to. Constant nightmares? Pointing to entities you can’t see? Talking to them? Cowering from the shadow people? Or maybe you’re coming to this site, and you still don’t understand what it is you’re child is reacting…

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