Seers Who Work with the Government Part 3

We’ve noted in Part 1 that seers who work with government officials tend to be in the New Age, psychics, mediums, or astrologers. In Part 2, we looked at Biblical examples of God’s seers who worked with their governments, some of which were in a covenant relationship with God, but others weren’t, and in fact were considered the worst of…

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Bedtime Stories and Prayers

Lately, my wife and I have been spending extra time with bedtime stories and prayers with our children.  Our oldest is now 11, and we also have a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. I recently read an interview with an atheist philosopher, who has argued that the best way towards equality among all people is to…

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Seers Who Work with the Government Part 2

This continues the discussion about Seers who work with the Government, started in part 1. Kingdom of God People in Government While I’m sympathetic to distrusting government authority, particularly in the United States which has so much power over its people and whose capitol is laced with so much occult and pagan symbolism, the truth is God ordained governments and governmental…

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Seers Who Work with the Government Part 1

Some police departments have used psychics and other New Age seers who work with the government to break open murder and other criminal cases.  These occult users rely on communication with the spirit realm, perhaps through their own spirit guides or with ghosts or in reading the different aspects that they can see in the spirit realm, to aid government…

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When Your Child Sees Orbs

Yesterday I began to wonder, not for the first time, if my youngest child sees orbs or if she just has an overactive imagination. It was a beautiful late Spring day here in the Midwest of the United States. She is three years old, and she loves her daddy and wanted to go on a bike ride. So I put…

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Extraordinary Intelligence Post on Charlie Charlie Challenge

My friend Natalina wrote a good post on the popular Charlie Charlie Challenge.  (Her artwork is amazing too). Please check it out. Our 11 year old daughter told us that grade school students trying to conjure this demon is pretty rampant in her school, here in rural Illinois. The popular news aggregator, the Drudge Report, linked to this article which interviewed a…

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Seeing the Spirit of Death

What’s it like to see the spirit of death?  I’ve spoken with many seers who have seen something that they link to death, and it’s usually described as anything from a black cloud on someone to a classic “grim reaper” or “Lord of the Rings style ring wraith.” What happens when someone looks out at a congregation, and sees the…

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Jesus’ Betrayal and 12 Legions of Warrior Angels

This weekend, Christians the world over remember Jesus’ betrayal, trial, the false testimonies against him, his torture, death, burial, and especially his resurrection. I was reading Matthew’s account of the betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gesthemane in Chapter 26. Verse 53 jumped out at me. Warrior Angels Awaiting Jesus’ Request Jesus is in the garden praying, and his betrayer leads…

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Guest Interview on The Supernatural Christian

UPDATE – For some reason, Patricia has taken this podcast and her website down.  I was recently a guest interview on Patricia Langer’s “The Supernatural Christian.” She has several articles that may be of interest to readers as well. The discussion covered a lot of ground, including Background of starting this site Freedom (deliverance) from evil spirits The difference between…

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