Seer Testimony: Being Afraid of the Holy

Here’s another guest post from my friend Jake (not the same Jake who runs the Seek4Truth show I’ve been on), who sees clearly in the spirit realm. This is another good one… challenging and thought provoking: Being Afraid of the Holy Voice: So Jake how ya doing tonight man? Me: I’m okay I guess, just need some time to figure…

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Join Me for a Live Stream with Seek4Truth

Jake Ruchotzke invited me onto his Seek4Truth Radio program, 7/19/16 at 9PM Central Standard Time (+6 GMT). You can check out his show here: I could be wrong, but I believe he has a chatroom during the interview here  

5 Simple Ways Seers Don’t Have to Walk Alone

I wasn’t sure why I was sitting by her. I had seen her around at church, but I didn’t even know her name.  And there I was, at a potluck meal, sitting at a table with six people I didn’t really know, right next to this young woman. The organizer of the event invited us to stand in a circle…

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Seers and Cell Phone Batteries

A History of Our Seer Child’s Cell Phones For a couple of years now, we’ve allowed our pre-teen spiritually-sensitive daughter a cell phone. When my wife and I upgraded, we gave her one of our used iPhones. She promptly cracked the screen. Eventually, my dad upgraded and gave her his iPhone 5. She eventually cracked that screen too. To be fair, it was…

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New Seer Forum and Updated About Us Page

I’m announcing a new Seer Forum and About Us page, and some other housekeeping updates. Seer Forum First, the Forum. I recently asked regular visitors if they’d like an online community to discuss topics related to seers, and nearly 50% of respondents requested a forum where they could mask their identities. About a fifth asked for a Facebook group. Therefore, I’m…

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Teen Seer Testimony: Demons at the Homecoming Dance

My friend Jake is a teen seer, and many months ago, he typed out a vivid description of what happened when he went to a homecoming dance. Computer issues led him to believe the testimony was lost (this is called spiritual warfare)… but he found it recently, and sent it to me. I first met Jake at a youth conference, where…

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Yo-Kai Watch – Teaching Children to See and Harness Demons

The other day, my wife asked me to watch a show on Netflix called Yo-Kai Watch. This concept originated as a Nintendo game and is not a cartoon series running across the world, but in the United States, it’s on Disney XD. You can buy the Yo-Kai Watch at stores like Wal-Mart which carry children’s toys. It’s not really a…

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What Happens when we Embrace the Supernatural in a Modern World Part 2

Part 1 began here Part 2: Cognitive Dissonance in Westerners Who See Spirits Science as it is defined in the post-Enlightenment Era is not equipped to explain the supernatural. The natural and the supernatural are so closely intertwined, it may be impossible to try and apply Plato-inspired dualism of science versus faith to supernatural experiences, as with people who see demons and other…

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Is it Possible to Embrace the Supernatural in a Modern World?

Why is it so hard for us to integrate the supernatural with the natural? I suppose that most people in my society would publicly discount the idea that some people can see demons and other things in the spirit realm, while privately wonder if the unexplained noises in their house or the spirit of depression on their families may be…

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