Christmas: The Greatest Story of Seers Ever!

What do Mary (the mother of Jesus), Joseph (the adopted father of Jesus), a bunch of shepherds and magi have in common? Besides being on every Nativity scene in the world, I mean. They all could see!  Each of them, at least for a limited time, was granted the spiritual gift to actually see and hear angels. The Christmas story…

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Analyzing a Seer’s Testimony: Part 2

This is Part 2 of analyzing the recent testimony from a seer. You can read her complete story here. Part 1 is here. In the testimony, she writes. When the bell rang I stood outside my class waiting on my friend to meet me there. As each student in the halls passed I saw something stuck to them. It was a black…

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A note on my “theology”

I initially conceived of this site as providing a biblical framework to interpret the paranormal things some people can see in a way to appeal to those who don’t have or reject a biblical worldview. Many people have experienced judgement and rejection by Christian church folk  who fear the supernatural or reject supernatural elements in their own sacred scriptures. But…

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Analyzing a Seer’s Testimony Part 1

This is Part 1 of analyzing the recent testimony from a seer. You can read her complete story here. We’ll look at the mention of ghosts, specifically the ghost of her grandmother, who passed recently. Here’s that portion of her testimony: I was informing him  [ed: her school counselor] of how just a few day prior I smelled something burning…

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“May I pray for you?” – A Seer’s Testimony and Purpose

The following story may seem incredible to some of you. To others, it’ll be a relief: you’re not alone in what you see.  A high school student sent this to me. Her seeing gift ebbs and flows, like the ability of many seers. Lately, it’s been flowing in a serious way.  I’ve corrected some spelling and minor grammatical errors, and…

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Interview on The Cutting Edge

I’ll be on the second hour of The Cutting Edge today. If you’d like to listen live, you can do so here. Here’s the link to the download.

Seeing and Perceiving

I found this interesting blog post citing a study about how our eyes, optic nerves, and brains actually see things which we do not perceive. Our brain filters the information that it receives from the eyes and optic nerves, so that we perceive very little of what our brain actually sees. I have been wondering about those who can see…

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Inhabitants of the “Spirit World”

I just finished listening to the latest “Resurrection &  The Revolution” podcast, which featured an interview of a biblical scholar, Dr. Michael S. Heiser, who has influenced my thinking on matters we discuss on this site, and I sourced him on our reference page. You can access it here. They discussed “the divine council” in the Bible, or God’s “heavenly…

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Beyond the Physical Realm-Part 1: The Failure of Materialism

This is the first of a series of articles that will attempt to build a framework to understand how some people can see spirits and others cannot.  Dark Matter and the Unseen Realm: The Failure of Materialism For the last few centuries, Western civilization has been built on a “materialist” worldview. Since I was born and raised in the United…

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