Peeranormal Episode on Bigfoot DNA

I’m happy to announce a brand new episode of Peeranormal, where we discuss Bigfoot DNA research and related implications. The episode is available on iTunes and on the Peeranormal site. If you subscribe on iTunes, please leave us a nice review, as that helps the distribution. Peeranormal is a podcast where we discuss peer-reviewed research into paranormal concepts.  In this fun…

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Guest Post: Welcome to the Divine Council Forum

Recently, I announced through the newsletter that I was closing the Seers See Forum for reasons explained here. Instead, I invited subscribers to join me in conversation on a privacy-conscious social media platform called MeWe. Several of you already have done so. One of the complaints of MeWe is that “no one” is there. That’s kind of the point. Facebook…

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The Problem With Children who See Spirits

There’s a serious problem with children who see spirits. But here’s a hint: the trouble with children who see spirits… isn’t the children. Around us all the time is a reality that is largely unseen, but not unnoticed. It’s the spirit realm, or the spiritual world, or the unseen realm, whatever you want to call it. Do not think of…

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The Spiritual Backdrop of My Kidney Donation Story

 I have mentioned in recent posts that I donated an organ recently to a friend. Many of my regular readers have been praying for us and asking for a more detailed update. I have posted a rather long and detailed account on this site here. Seeing Through Spiritual Eyes There is a spiritual warfare element that underlies what happened during and…

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Documentary on “Aliens and Demons,” Plus “Reversing Hermon,” A Must Read Book!

I mentioned in my last post that I was donating a kidney to a dear friend. I did this on April 18, and despite some complications after being sent home, I’m recovering nicely. My recipient is also recovering, and her new kidney is performing wonderfully. Until I continue with my blogging and other projects for the Seers See Ministries, I…

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Seer Sharing Model Step 2: Understand Others

This is Step 2 of the 5-Step Seer Sharing Model, a tool to help understand what it is you’re supposed to share with others when you see things in the spirit realm. The introduction is here. Step 1 is here. The Problem People are all over the place with their understanding of the things of God and the spirit realm….

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Seer Sharing Model Step 1

This is Step 1 of the 5-Step Seer Sharing Model, a tool to help understand what it is you’re supposed to share with others when you see things in the spirit realm. The introduction is here. Understand Your Mission The first step of the 5 Step Seer Sharing Model is to understand what your gift is for. But first, what…

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What Seers Should Share in 5 Steps

Recently, a seer named Morgan left a very compelling comment and some questions related to sharing what she sees in the spirit realm. I’ve received many questions along these same lines, and so I thought it was time to attempt an answer. Instead of trying to summarize Morgan’s comment, here it is in full: Ever since I became a Christian…

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Yes, The Seeing Gift is Biblical

Churches are supposed to places where people can learn about spiritual truth. If you call up a pastor of any church in town and ask, “Will I learn about spiritual truth there?”, the answer invariably will be yes. But too often, this is not the case. I recently spoke with a man whose seeing gift basically started after he came to…

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