Podcast Episode 13: What is a Seer?

I’m relaunching the Seers See Podcast by going to back to the basics with Episode 13: What is a Seer? The episode is available on my Podbean account or at iTunes.  Download this episode (right click and save) I’m also joining the Fringe Radio Network, and you can subscribe on Spreaker. Eventually, I’ll drop the Podbean account and go exclusively with the Fringe Radio…

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On the Alien Intrusion of Reptilians, Greys, and other ETs

The documentary, Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception has been released this week in American theaters.  I haven’t seen the movie yet. It’s by Gary Bates, whose 2004 book Alien Intrusion first introduced to me the most plausible explanation for the UFO phenomena. Countless millions have seen UFOs and experienced encounters with aliens. In many cases, these appear to be spiritual…

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Recommended Reading- Tyrant: Rise of the Beast by Brian Godawa

I like good supernatural stories, especially stories that promote an accurate worldview. So imagine my delight when reading a supernatural story with an accurate worldview that includes some characters who occasionally can see into the spirit realm: Tyrant: Rise of the Beast, by Brian Godawa. You can read the first chapter for free here. Clash of Worldviews As discussed here, a…

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Yes, the Seer Gift Can Run in Families

I often speak with people who wonder if the seer gift sometimes runs in family. For instance, sometimes a grandparent will be able to see spiritual phenomena, and then it skips a generation, manifesting again in grandchildren. Other times, a parent can see spirits and then notices his or her child can as well. Sometimes this ability appears in siblings….

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Peeranormal Episode on Zombies and Additional Thoughts

The Halloween-themed Peeranormal episode has been release on zombies. Catch the episode here. On Peeranormal, I join Dr. Michael Heiser (Bible scholar, author, ancient language specialist and expert on ancient Israelite religion, and the organizer), Brian Godawa (author and award-winning Hollywood screenwriter), Doug Van Dorn (author and pastor), Natalina (researcher, writer and podcaster), and Trey (the producer) to discuss scientific…

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Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual People, and Spiritual Things Part 3

This is the final of a 3 part series. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Why does God give grace endowments, ministries and activities? For the common good: to serve others. Examples Do Not Equal Comprehensive Lists In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul gives some examples of God’s endowments, but this list of examples is clearly not comprehensive. Not…

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Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual People or Spiritual Things, Part 2

For Part 1, go here. Spiritual Things or Spiritual People, continued We left off with the question in 1 Corinthians 12:1, concerning spiritual… what exactly? It’s not gifts because gifts isn’t in the text. The answer depends on the word spiritual, according to D. A. Carson in Showing the Spirit: A Theological Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12–14. Carson explains,  “If the…

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On Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Things, and Spiritual People Part 1

Lately, I’ve been bothered by a lot of wildly inaccurate teachings on spiritual gifts. On one side, there are the charismatics, supposedly people who believe in and practice spiritual gifts in accordance with 1 Corinthians 12 through 14, and elsewhere in the Bible. On the other side, there are the non-charismatics, people who either say spiritual gifts are still around…

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How I respond when someone tells me, “I see spirits all the time.”

I regularly hear from people who tell me, “I see spirits all the time.” They aren’t crazy; they aren’t hallucinating; they aren’t even all that special, or at least they don’t want to be. Most of them just see spirits. All the time. It’s disconcerting for them; and for those of us who don’t see spirits, but want to respond with…

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