New Peeranormal Episode: Quantum Physics and the Spirit Realm

When I started researching what it is seers see, for a long time, I seriously considered Quantum Physics as an explanation. Quantum Physics is the physics of the very small – smaller than atoms. This field of science examines how these very small particles/wave of matter and energy operate. Quantum mechanics refers to the math that describes how these wave…

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Generational Curses: Part 3

In part 1, we examined God’s opinion on generational curses. In part 2, we examined scientific and gnostic/monist explanations, before turning our attention to the nature of the spirit realm. In this post, we’ll look at the spiritual causes of some generational curses, including Freemasonry, and end with some ideas to break them. Spiritual Causes of Generational Curses Some people make…

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Generational Curses: Part 2

In the previous post, we examined God’s opinion on generational curses. In this post, we’ll examine scientific explanations and then turn our attention to the spirit realm, including the concept of Karma. Scientific Materialist Explanations: Mental Health and Genetics Entire industries have been built to solve self-destructive problems like the “cycle of abuse” and generationally learned behaviors, among many others….

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Generational Curses: Part 1

I frequently receive questions about generational curses: the idea that certain sins, afflictions, or just general bad stuff follow family bloodlines over many generations. Some seers can actually detect these kinds of curses at work in people’s lives. Let’s examine this idea, and then apply a couple of filters to interpret what is going on. Generational Curses? Some families seem cursed…

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My Kidney Donation and Spiritual Warfare

Last year, I hinted at the spiritual warfare that went on during and after my kidney donation.  In this podcast episode, I explain it more clearly. Check it out. A lot of what I do here at Seers See relates to thinking from the Kingdom of God Mindset about the world and everything in it. I want to think like…

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New Podcast on Demons and Monsters

What are demons and monsters? In this podcast episode, I examine several categories of spiritual beings and then look more closely at demons and monsters, their origin, their purpose, and their destiny. You can also get it from the podcast site here. I draw heavily from my book Peace in Your House, but on this site, you can get more…

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He is Risen! Jesus’ Victory Over Demonic Forces

For this Easter, I’ve released a very special podcast discussing what Jesus saw from the Cross. By examining the spiritual context and the dramatic aftermath of the crucifixion – namely, the resurrection – we can learn a lot about the militant nature of the Lord’s mission. Download this episode (right click and save) We also learn a lot about the…

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Can Seers See Animal Spirits?

I received an email asking if I have heard of seers seeing animal spirits. Specifically pets. And if so, are these spirits always from the enemy or in the Domain of Darkness? Specifically, the reader had lost a couple of pet cats over the years. One was hit by a car, and the other disappeared into a forest a few…

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What does it mean to Repent?

This Wednesday, Lent begins. Lent is a 40-day period of fasting, repentance, and prayer that many Christians undertake corporately all over the globe.  Lately, I’ve been considering the meaning of “repent” (Hebrew שׁוב; Greek metanoeo) in the terms of how the biblical authors thought about it. Repent in the Old Testament In the Old Testament, שׁוב is usually translated “turn back”…

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