A Demonic Punch

Last night at youth group, I took a demonic punch for the team. Seriously. And a seer witnessed it. This article illustrates the value of having a seer present when praying for someone’s deliverance. Demonstrating God’s Love A certain teenaged boy has been coming to youth group for three or four weeks. The first time he visited was the same…

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Interview about Seers on VFTB

Last weekend, I was interviewed on Derek Gilbert’s “View from the Bunker” (VFTB) regarding seers and the history behind this website. The interview was released this week, and I think people interested in this topic will enjoy it. It can be accessed here and or in iTunes. I’ve been a fan of Derek’s for a long time, having learned much from…

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Seers and Worship Leaders

At first, seers and worship leaders may not have an obvious connection. What does seeing in the spirit realm have to do with worship? What indeed… Many years ago in a church my wife and I attended, the worship leader told me that during the worship part of a service, “Sometimes the presence of God is so thick in this…

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Seers and the Alien Invasion

Yeah, the post title is correct. Seers and the alien invasion. What the…? I was trolling a Facebook group that discusses UFOs and “alien” activity, from the view point that alien abductions/sightings are demonically-inspired or government conspiratorial activity.  Someone linked to an article that was titled: “Seers Are the Alien Invasion’s Ultimate Weapons.” That caused my eyes to raise. Here…

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Part of My Testimony

I have updated the “Who is Jesus” page with my testimony. I had a moving experience last night, and felt it necessary to revise it, because Jesus is not some abstract idea, but a living person with whom I have a relationship. What started off as an intellectual and theological page ended up being quite personal.  The personal testimony is…

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An Interesting Beyond Extraordinary Episode

My friend Natalina operates the website “Extraordinary Intelligence” and the “Beyond Extraordinary” podcast, where she reveals information that is extraordinary, from a supernatural Christian worldview. I recommend this podcast/interview, which she released last week.  It involves seeing spirits, demonic oppression, demonic scratches, and a spiritual house cleansing: all topics we’ve covered at Seers See. The podcast can be found here….

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Updates to Spiritual House Cleansing Page

I have just revised my page on spiritual House Cleansing and Blessings. It seems as I grow and learn more about my identity in Christ and the totality of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross, I’m also learning more about the seer gift and the nature of the spirit realm. This causes me to go back and revise errant or unclear…

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“I see ghosts”

Many people walk around thinking to themselves, “I see ghosts.”  Some of these people see them with their eyes, clearly. I call these people seers. The questions they have include… what are ghosts? What are they seeing? They feel like the boy in “The Sixth Sense” who says “I see dead people.” You know the one.  He sees them “All…

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Blessed Objects: Anointing Oil, Blessed Salt, Holy Water

Most of what follows is preserved here, but some people missed it with respect to the house cleaning described here. I’m often confused by Christians who believe that God created everything and became a human and that souls can receive salvation by faith in Jesus, but they are challenged by concepts of the physical and spiritual impacting each other. In a…

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