SSM Ep 3: Horoscopes and the Bible

What’s the social impact when tens of millions of people read their horoscopes every day for decades? What is God’s view regarding horoscopes? What is prophecy? What’s your sign? In this podcast, I explore horoscopes and the Bible, along with a discussion of God’s sovereignty and prophecy. Download this episode (right click and save) Really, this is 3 messages blended into one…

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Seers as Worship Leaders Part 2

In this earlier post, I looked at the idea of seers as worship leaders, primarily from the standpoint of an ancient Israeli king’s actions in placing a few seers in charge of worship. The other day, on Spotify, I was listening to a new worship album from Vineyard Worship called “Face to Face,” a live recording from the 2013 Vineyard National Conference. No,…

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SSM Ep2: God’s Sovereignty and the Image of God

I continue the discussion how God’s sovereignty is worked out, which leads to a discussion of humans being made in the image of God.  What does humans being made in the image of God have to do with God’s sovereignty? Once you start to get how Jesus understood God’s sovereignty and the role of humans on the earth, you can start…

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Ouija Board and Talking to Spirits

My wife and I were watching “The Fosters” the other night on Netflix… well, ok, to be honest, she was watching “The Fosters” and I was on Facebook, but we were in the same room, and I was kind of paying attention. “The Fosters” is a show about a married lesbian couple, whose last name is “Foster” and they are…

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Introducing the Seers See Podcast

Well, here we go!  I’m launching the Seers See Podcast! Podcasting is all the rage, right? And episode 1, I launch into a discussion about if God is good, then why does he take things away from us? Why does he allow bad things to happen? If we’re going to view the world like God sees it, I suppose we…

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The Unseen War

A spiritual war rages around us unseen, except by seers. Sometimes seers perceive the unseen war with their eyes or in their minds. It’s akin to imagination, but more real. This weekend, after church service, a teen seer contacted me, and told me about a married couple in church. She stated she saw a war raging between a dark spirit on him and…

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Are You Living in a Haunted House?

Some people have so many strange occurrences in their homes, they find themselves looking in a mirror and asking, “Are you living in a haunted house?” The topic of spiritual house cleaning remains one of the most searched topics for visits to this website. Some people are looking for a spiritual house cleansing kit! I can’t bring myself to sell…

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New Page for Teen Seers

I’ve added a page here specifically for teen seers and their friends, and thrown it in the top menu bar. Parents and others will find useful links there as well. It’s mainly a list of posts discussing testimonies from teen seers I’ve met. And on that page, I release a secret… shhhh. I can’t help it. I love working with…

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Update to Demonic Punch Story

I wanted to offer a quick update to the story I relayed in my previous post. In that account, I noted that I was ministering to a teenaged boy who has a tough life, along with a young seer. I asked if he was ready to make Jesus Lord of his life, to confess that Jesus died for his sins,…

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