Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: God’s Heart Throb for Seers and the Church

Last night, my wife and I watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with our 6 year old daughter (not the seer daughter) and our 8 year old son. We watched the classic Burl Ives stop action version. It’s a classic ugly duckling story.  I’m going to apply a Jeremiah 1 prophetic interpretive filter to how this show can be instructive…

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seeing unseen realm

Helping Non-Seers to See the Unseen Realm

Most of us cannot see into the spirit realm. While we can see the effects and fruit of spiritual activity, we don’t actually see spirits or spiritual things. So it’s hard for us to conceive what it is seers see. Quite by accident, I discovered a tool to help understand what sensitives see in the spirit realm, and I thought…

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Samhain and Halloween

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, our next Peeranormal episode discussed Samhain and Halloween. You can access the podcast here and many other places  podcasts are available (iTunes, Podbean, etc.) For more on the history of Halloween, especially regarding how it came to be celebrated in America, check out this long and well-researched article. My own opinions are discussed…

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Seeing and Believing

The Naked Bible Conference Last weekend, I attended the first Naked Bible Conference in Dallas, Texas, organized by Trey Stricklin and Dr. Michael S. Heiser of the Naked Bible Podcast. The principles behind the Naked Bible is to expose people to the content of the Bible as conceived by the original writers, not filtered through centuries of denominational traditions or…

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The Gift of Discerning of Spirits

The seer gift is often linked to the gift of discerning spirits. Actually, when you think about it, the seer gift  really should not be directly linked to the gift of discerning spirits. A seer can see spiritual things, but that doesn’t mean the seer always correctly distinguishes what is being seen. The gift of discerning of spirits  doesn’t really mean “the…

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New Peeranormal Episode: Quantum Physics and the Spirit Realm

When I started researching what it is seers see, for a long time, I seriously considered Quantum Physics as an explanation. Quantum Physics is the physics of the very small – smaller than atoms. This field of science examines how these very small particles/wave of matter and energy operate. Quantum mechanics refers to the math that describes how these wave…

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Generational Curses: Part 3

In part 1, we examined God’s opinion on generational curses. In part 2, we examined scientific and gnostic/monist explanations, before turning our attention to the nature of the spirit realm. In this post, we’ll look at the spiritual causes of some generational curses, including Freemasonry, and end with some ideas to break them. Spiritual Causes of Generational Curses Some people make…

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Generational Curses: Part 2

In the previous post, we examined God’s opinion on generational curses. In this post, we’ll examine scientific explanations and then turn our attention to the spirit realm, including the concept of Karma. Scientific Materialist Explanations: Mental Health and Genetics Entire industries have been built to solve self-destructive problems like the “cycle of abuse” and generationally learned behaviors, among many others….

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Generational Curses: Part 1

I frequently receive questions about generational curses: the idea that certain sins, afflictions, or just general bad stuff follow family bloodlines over many generations. Some seers can actually detect these kinds of curses at work in people’s lives. Let’s examine this idea, and then apply a couple of filters to interpret what is going on. Generational Curses? Some families seem cursed…

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