Spiritual Protection Before Sleep

Seers and other spiritually-sensitive people often have difficulty sleeping. Sometimes they lay in bed, hearing whispers and voices from the spirit realm.

Sometimes they open their eyes in their dark bedrooms and see dark, shadowy figures in their room.

Sometimes they fear being assaulted.

Sometimes their dreaming hours are the most exhausting, ever attacked by dark spirits in dark dreams they cannot understand.

When our own seer daughter was quite young, we realized the value of night lights and prayer before bed.

And now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Who in the world came up with that prayer?

We certainly didn’t talk of death to our seer daughter before bedtime, but I did pray God’s Kingdom in your life, good dreams and good sleep in Jesus’ name.

And if she saw a dark spirit, I’d open a bedroom window and commanded any dark spirits in the area to depart, sometimes inviting the Holy Spirit’s presence to fill the room. She learned to do this even without us present and learned what Jesus smells like when he shows up.

Nonetheless, our daughter would often have terrible spiritual dreams for an array of reasons.

Sleep Paralysis

Some spiritual attacks take the form of “sleep paralysis”, when you cannot move, feel the presence of someone in the room, feel pressure on your chest, and terrible fear. While this can be a normal physical response to a cascading series of conditions, it can also be an avenue of spiritual attack. See this Peeranormal episode on that, and this page for more on what to do when Sleep Paralysis is a demonic attack.

Spiritual Attacks in Dreams: An Ancient Concern

I came across a poem, “Hymn Before Sleep” from the 4 or 5th Century AD by a Roman poet with this line in it:

But he whose heart is blackened,
With many a sin imbued,
Sees phantoms grim and ghastly
That beckon and delude.

If only it were that simple. Many seers who pursue holy lives and live by faith in Christ Jesus see “phantoms grim and ghastly” whether they are asleep or not, and they don’t know why.

But certainly, not living a holy life of faith in Jesus Christ invites more darkness to the seer. That’s what my book Peace in Your House is all about.

But as I read the poem more carefully, the author is affirming peace and protection in Christ for a good night’s sleep, not that attacks can’t come to the holy. The poem reminds us – and the spirit realm – that darkness has lost and will lose to the Lord Jesus because Christ’s victory on the Cross. This reminder is an encouragement to us, and dismay to the enemy spirits because we can command:

Vanish! for Christ is with us;
Away! ’tis Christ the Lord:
The sign thou must acknowledge
Condemns thy hellish horde…

This is the poet’s faith and hope.

I find this poem really encouraging. It tells me that in the 5th Century, Christians were struggling with spiritual attacks in the middle of the night even as we do today, and the notion of seeing spirits wasn’t foreign to them (so why should it be foreign to us?).

And our hope isn’t in waving sage before bed or having white noise to drown out the voices but in the Lord Jesus Christ, because

The Cross dispels all darkness,
All sin before it flies,
And by that sign protected
The mind all fear defies.

Here is the complete poem. You might find it encouraging to read when fear hits you before sleep.

Hymn Before Sleep, translated by R. Martin Pope. Created by Aurelius Prudentius (AD 358-413)

Draw near, Almighty Father,
Ne’er seen by mortal eye;
Come, O Thou Word eternal,
O Spirit blest, be nigh.

One light of threefold Godhead,
One power that all transcends;
God is of God begotten,
And God from both descends.

The hour of rest approaches,
The toils of day are past,
And o’er our tired bodies
Sleep’s gentle charm is cast.

The mind, by cares tormented
Amid life’s storm and stress,
Drinks deep the wondrous potion
That brings forgetfulness.

O’er weary, toil-worn mortals
The spells of Lethe steal;
Sad hearts lose all their sorrow,
Nor pain nor anguish feel.

For to His frail creation
God gave this law to keep,
That labour should be lightened
 By soft and healing sleep.

But while sweet languor wanders
Through all the pulsing veins,
And, wrapt in dewy slumber,
The heart at rest remains,

The soul, in wakeful vigour,
Aloft in freedom flies,
And sees in many a semblance
The hidden mysteries.

For, freed from care, the spirit
That came from out the sky,
Born of the stainless aether,
Can never idle lie.

A thousand changing phantoms
She fashions through the night,
And ‘midst a world of fancy
Pursues her rapid flight.

But divers are the visions
That night to dreamers shows;
Rare gleams of straying splendour
The future may disclose;

More oft the truth is darkened,
And lying fantasy
Deceives the affrighted sleeper
With cunning treachery.

To him whose life is holy
The things that are concealed
Lie open to his spirit
In radiant light revealed;

But he whose heart is blackened,
With many a sin imbued,
Sees phantoms grim and ghastly
That beckon and delude.

So in the Egyptian dungeon
The patriarch of old
Unto the king’s two servants
Their fateful visions told:

And one is brought from prison
The monarch’s wine to pour,
One, on the gibbet hanging,
Foul birds of prey devour,

He warned the king, distracted
By riddles of the night,
To hoard the plenteous harvests
Against the years of blight.

Soon, lord of half a kingdom,
A mighty potentate,
He shares the royal sceptre
And dwells in princely state.

But ah! how deep the secrets
The holy sleeper sees
To whom Christ shows His highest,
Most sacred mysteries.

For God’s most faithful servant
The clouds were rolled away,
And John beheld the wonders
That sealed from mortals lay.

The Lamb of God, encrimsoned
With sacrificial stains,
Alone the Book can open
That destiny contains.

By His strong hand is wielded
A keen, two-edgèd brand
That, flashing like the lightning,
Smites swift on either hand.

Before His bar of judgment
Both soul and body lie;
He whom that dread sword smiteth
The second death shall die.

Yet mercy tempers justice,
And few the Avenger sends
(Whose guilt is past all pardon)
To death that never ends.

To Him the Father yieldeth
The judgement-seat of Heaven;
To Him a Name excelling
All other names is given.

For by His strength transcendent
Shall Antichrist be slain,
And from that raging monster
Fair trophies shall He gain:

That all-devouring Dragon,
With blood of martyrs red,
On whose abhorrèd power
John’s solemn curse is laid.

And thus the proud usurper
Of His high name is cast
By Him, the true Christ, vanquished
To deepest hell at last.

Upon the saint heroic
Such wondrous slumber falls
That, in the spirit roaming,
He treads heaven’s highest halls.

We may not, in our weakness,
To dreams like these aspire,
Whose souls are steeped in error
And evil things desire.

Enough, if weary bodies
In peaceful sleep may rest;
Enough, if no dark powers
Our slumbering souls molest.

Christian! the font remember,
The sacramental vow,
The holy water sprinkled,
The oil that marked thy brow!

When at sleep’s call thou seekest
To rest in slumber chaste,
Let first the sacred emblem
On breast and brow be traced.

The Cross dispels all darkness,
All sin before it flies,
And by that sign protected
The mind all fear defies.

Avaunt! ye fleeting phantoms
That mock our midnight hours;
Avaunt! thou great Deceiver
With all thy guileful powers.

Thou Serpent, old and crafty,
Who by a thousand arts
And manifold temptations
Dost vex our sleeping hearts,

Vanish! for Christ is with us;
Away! ’tis Christ the Lord:
The sign thou must acknowledge
Condemns thy hellish horde.

And, though the weary body
Relaxed in sleep may be,
Our hearts, Lord, e’en in slumber,
Shall meditate on Thee.


  1. Wow, I wonder if this has anything to do with what I have been going through? I was diagnosed with a disease which I apply gospel pills to it. Before this happened, I was fighting a spirit of infirmity and commanded it to leave my body. It was trying to come through my feet. It is embarrassing but I do see in the spiritual realm. I pray for all those who are in this office or have this gift to be covered with the Blood of Jesus and declare Isaiah 54:17 over them and myself and this blog’s owner Doug in Jesus name Amen.

  2. Hi Doug,
    Always an interesting read…..
    I have found between sleep & awake can be confusing for adults as well our kids.
    Confusion takes over to blurr our mental balance of what we have seen & we say,
    “wait, did I just see that? or was I dreaming with my eye’s open? did anyone else see that? or did I see that happen somewhere else before?
    Just some of my mental adjustments I have learnt to make & I am 56 years old & I still have these issue’s.
    Trusting the Holy Spirit is our confidence & in Him alone have we learnt to depend….He gives scripture for every situation & confirms Every vision & dream in His Word.
    Ps 4 : 8
    I will lie down in peace & sleep, for though I am alone, O Lord, you will keep me safe.
    &, Holy Spirit be the only Spirit in this house in Jesus Name..lol
    Nothing can top Him….hahaha..AMEN
    God’s word, use it, it came to life you know….Jesus is His name.
    Demons flee at the name of Jesus & in His Blood they cannot touch us, they only have access when we sin, sometimes without even knowing it.
    Keep check on yourself & keep short accounts, as soon as you remember a wrong you said or did, apologise quickly to Jesus & never let the Sun go down on your anger.
    Tell Him you are sorry as you lay in bed for everything, wrong thoughts, etc,etc
    We read in the bible that we are to commit our way to the Lord & He will make our paths straight, that’s when we wake up in the mornings..
    So when we are laying in bed ready to sleep we return to Him, Jesus with Thanksgiving for the whole day, good or bad, angry or sad.
    I believe Jesus loves our little acknowledgments
    Kind of like Daniel who came 3 times a day in thanksgiving of whom the bible says, “Daniel in whom, is an excellent spirit.”

    Blessed to be a blessing

  3. Greetings. Hoping this finds everyone in Excellent Health and HIS HOLY SPIRIT. This Article sums up my life, As it were. As a child I do remember countless battles against dark forces, evil thoughts and sleepless nights. GOD Did Prevail and I am here today. The Enemy does know his time grows short and he’s fighting. As in a baseball game in the last inning. We do pray for GOD’S Constant Protection, Annointing And Blessing in our lives, As well as those we care about (everyone). Be Strong In THE LORD And The Power Of HIS Might! In JESUS’ NAME, Amen.

  4. Hi, + bless U all, in Jesus Mighty name, praise Elohim! Which means mighty God, etc… I’m taking a Spiritual Authority class now, we are using a book from,””” Watchman Nee,””” a really must read book for those on the front Lines, Seers, Prophets, Pastors, if U are trying to Lay hold of the Promises and seek the Lord with Alllll your heart, the enemy with have his demons, hordes, leave the pleasure loving Christians and the enemy will come after U with everything and the kitchen sink so to speak!!! I’ve been a Seer, or actually I have a gift called, “”” Discernment of Spirits.””” I’ve experienced sooooooo much, truly and I don’t have the Guts to make this up, Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, U don’t make things like this up!!!!!!!!!! About 5 years ago I gave up my Life, eternity, all for Jesus, August of 2014! I asked the Lord for a gift to be able to See in the spirit realm, I am seeking the Lord now for many answers, I’m about to go away for 3—10 days fasting, in prayer and in Gods word to receive Long needed answers. Sometimes if we don’t listen well( those who walk after the spirit of God are the sons of God) we won’t hear when the Holy Spirit speaks to us. It’s so important to Listen, to pray on everything, before everything we do, pray without ceasing, uno I’m writing on this sight to reveal some of what I’ve seen and experienced good and bad! I’ve seen soooooooo much in the spirit realm, wow, praise Jesus, my Lord, king, my vocabulary isn’t worthy of how wonderful Jesus our Lord is, I love him sooooo much! I’ve seen angels flying in formation like birds, after waking up on my recliner looking out my window, I’ve dreamed and seen after waking up a small 3 inch ballpark army man, Robin Hood looking guy shooting arrows, 1 after another, they were hitting my body and hurting, I believe that the Lord was showing me that the enemy was shooting many darts at me, when we go to sleep is when the enemy attacks us the most, it’s called 0 point! I’ve actually seen after going to sleep a 8 foot ballpark size table being carried in and put on the side of me, with a black cauldron in the middle filled with some type of liquid with little serpents popping out of the water with 3 ugly witches sitting around the table, 1 on the left, 1 on the right, 1 facing me, they are from what I’ve learned trying to affect or steal my destiny. Usually if I wake up 1 minute or more after I fall asleep I’ll see them bring that in, 1 time truly, I rebuked the 1 witch on the right and she took off on her broom, usually as soon as I wake up and see them, which ever one sees me wake up 1st that witch will usually nudge or get the attention of the others to let them know I’m awake, I see demons riding on horses also, usually I’ll see 1 particular that’s very small like a dwarf or Druid, it usually commands the others standing at my feet, it’s nuts, truly, sometimes I pray and they get in my face and yell at me. I’ve been to a few hundred exorcisms , Bob Larson, Apostle John Zavlaris 3 times, I got to tell him what I was seeing also which 1 time I saw a woman possessed by the spirit of Krishna, I could see a lite powder blue Indian type looking spirit in the woman, the demon said, “”” she used to worship me, but now she worships Jesus! I’ve seen many serpents, even a 7 headed serpent, I’ve had visions of the marine kingdom also, many. The marine kingdom is 100% real!!! I’ve seen Leviathan, behemoth I’m pretty sure, many angels, I’ve seen the Lord deliver many people, the Lord is sooo powerful, merciful, forgiving and kind!!! Uno I’m not bragging, I just want to serve Jesus, humbly, the glory is his!!!!!!!!! I just want everyone, all people to understand that it’s not a game at all!!!!!!! The enemy is 24/7 at work, merciless, cruel, brutal, we need not to fear, but to build a relationship with Jesus, to not be in this for what we can receive from him, but to have him, Jesus, a relationship with him, to make disciples, to Love and Love and Love, Love is most important!!!!! Jesus is pure Love, we need to have Jesus help to sanctify ourselves, Jesus is coming back for the Holy, those without spot or blemish, I literally see what happens when we sin, read genesis 4:7, And if you do not do well sin is lying at the door, it’s desires for you but you must rule over it, master it. Most the the evil spirits I see, demons show usually just 1 eye, just like on the back of the dollar bill, the eye in the triangle, the eye of the God of this world, Satan, I do see demons and angels and all of them but most of the time they like to reveal only 1 eye. Look at many movies which I notice now how they start by showing a eye, even in the movie,””” the passion of Christ, look rite at the beginning, the people that directed or whoever used the eye of a lion, and had the lion fade back but started with the single eye just like in a lot of movies. Sometimes I’ll wake up and see a demon doing some type of incantation over me while I’m sleeping, sometimes I get up and get on my knees and pray but other times I’ll just stay laying down and pray and plead the blood of Jesus! I know it sounds nuts or actually psychotic , but like I said before I don’t have the guts to make this up. Think about it what would I have to gain I just want people to know the truth , there truly is a spiritual war raging , 24/7, I realize more and more every day how much I need the Lord Jesus Christ and how much I need to give up this world, praying and fasting and reading God‘s word, making sure I go to church my place of worship and respect God by showing up early or on time and not rushing to leave at the end of service making sure I go to Bible study also and becoming involved in my place of worship in anyway because also promotion comes from within. The book by “””watchman nee””” is a must read it’s called ,”””spiritual authority .”” Also if we have children we need to also with all of our hearts teach them the truth, gods word, teach them how to pray, how to walk after the Spirit of God, i’ve seen more in the spirit realm than most could ever fathom, I believe time is very very short!!! If anyone wants to email me or to talk to me I’ve experienced so much more than what I’ve just written Here. My email is ([email protected]). I’ll even tell you two more things that I experienced before I hit the send button, One time I was driving to work in my truck and I actually saw what looked like a woman really high up in the air, she looked like she was riding on something maybe a small carpet it was hard to tell, out of nowhere I saw a gigantic (H) come flying Towards me, then a gigantic (E) then a gigantic (L) then another gigantic (L) then a gigantic (O)!!!!!!! She was saying hello obviously a human agent of Satan, I rebuked her and told her I serve the lord Jesus Christ that I want nothing to do with Satan!!! I also saw once a witch she was flying above me also as I was driving to work, she was going around in a gigantic circle, almost like when you see a jet and it leaves smoke behind it in the sky, The witch was going around in a big gigantic circle leaving a trail of smoke behind her, from what the youth pastor said that I receive advice from who also has a special gift praise Jesus told me it seems like they are trying to keep me confined to the area I live in. Probably because he’s had a few visions talking to me up tents ,etc… possibly evangelizing going around the world speaking in tents I still am not sure. All I know is I still need many answers from the Lord, I do praise the Lord wholeheartedly for revealing a lot of the enemies tactics, i’ve experienced so much I could go on forever what do you all believe it or not , it’s not my job to make you all believe me it’s the Holy Spirit‘s job to convict you all, I just want you all to know that I am telling the truth and we are in a spiritual war , 24/7!!! We need to seek Jesus to seek God and the Holy Spirit wholeheartedly and really try to be humble and to help others to make disciples, most people really cannot fathom what is truly going on in the spirit realm !!!!! We need each other and we need as much of Jesus as possible !!!!! We can’t do it without him we don’t stand a chance without the Lord Jesus Christ , I pray for all of you and hope all of you believe me and pray that the Lord gives you a hunger for his word , The hunger too fast , to pray without ceasing , sanctification is a process , I know it’s not easy I’ve been struggling for five years , i’m very grateful that the Lord is merciful because I am a consistent pain in the butt, The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge , Hosea 4:6, most people just do not understand or believe , it’s truly a tragedy , seek the Lord with all your heart he will reveal the truth to you he did to me and I did not deserve it all !!!! Trust me I did not deserve to be forgiven , The Lord is wonderful merciful and kind and WAY more powerful than Satan !!!!!!!! Get on your knees raise your hands in the air and praise the Lord heaven is going to be so incredible so wonderful for real got to go bless to you all

  5. I believe you I have been seeing a lot of things to do with spirits and demons I have the spiritual realm of the spirit telling me bad things I need to get out of my head and stop listening to them lies they tell.

  6. I am a Born Again Christian (former tarot card reader), and I also have seen angels and demons around me, seen them since I lost my bf in June, although I cannot see their faces. Theres different forms of light, white, dark, wispy, all different shapes and sizes. I typically see them at work (I work in a hospital), and also in my house, but I can see them everywhere. There is one in particular who is either a guardian, watchman (?) or demon (fallen angel, idk?) who is around me when I sleep. I was attacked relentlessly both in sleep and while awake, been told I’m his wife, etc. I won’t go into detail, but it was terrifying. I went through deliverance a week ago, but he came back this past Saturday. I didn’t ask for him to come back, I was dealing with grief over my bf, 6month anniversary of his death is Friday. I wasnt attacked per se, but ended up on the kitchen floor with no strength in my body. I felt as though my whole body were tingly and asleep. My heart rate slowed down to a crawl. Last night he was touching my face. I would have pushed him away, but I was mostly asleep, and he brings a sense of peace over me, and I can’t move. He is extremely protective/possessive of me. Part of me thinks it’s my bf, but then I don’t know. Satan wants us to be deceived. I bleed the blood of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I am grateful for this gift, but I don’t want to have demonic attachments to me if that’s what it is.
    Thanks for listening.

  7. you had me from the words Fear of God. I too have the gift; sometimes I see the actual scene of what is happening and sometimes just the thought runs through my mind, but very seldom does it fail. I understand every word you said. I have been dealing with and fighting with spirits for over a year. hearing voices first outside for months then they moved inside with horrible faces touching me and hitting me. That has all but stopped but now I see black moving globs on my ceiling and red ones, usually separate nights but not every night. I am a Christian
    and leader n my church. I have become very bold with what I say at night when I see these spirits. I pray, quote scripture, sing hymns. Satan either thinks i am weak or very strong and is a threat to him as he searches for ones to devour~ any comments?

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