SSM Podcast Episode 11: Introducing the Kingdom of God

We start discussing what the Kingdom of God is. This will be the first of many, and I’ll eventually bring in other experts to discuss what the Kingdom of God is and why it’s important to how we live. Properly understanding the Kingdom is central to understanding why some people see spirits and experience other paranormal activity, the purpose and…

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Recognizing God’s Voice

Note: what follows is an excerpt from a chapter in a forthcoming book on living in the Kingdom of God. If you want to keep abreast on developments, sign up for updates. Tone Deaf in a Supernatural World In January, 1534, a very unique baker entered an important city in Germany. This baker was unique because he claimed a unique property:…

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Book Review: Supernatural by Michael S. Heiser

When I finished reading Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches us about the Unseen World – and Why it Matters by Dr. Michael S. Heiser, the first thought that came to mind was, “My goodness; it’s a manifesto.” And then, “If we Christians can get this, we really will change the world.” The book offers truly good news. A Fresh (if Ancient) Examination of…

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Seers on Halloween

We’re approaching Halloween: that time of year again where there’s a heightened cultural interest in witches, ghouls, stuff that go bump in the night, and generally things that scare us   – or at least things that used to scare us.  In other words, there’s an elevated interest in all things occult. Reviewing the recent search engine terms that direct traffic…

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Updated Spiritual Home Cleansing Procedures

I wanted to send out a quick note that I’ve uploaded new content on this page related to spiritual home cleansing. Eventually that whole section of the website will be redone, but for now, it’s fine. Basically, that page is an excerpt from a chapter in an early draft of the forthcoming book: Spiritual House Cleansing: A Guide to Kingdom…

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SSM Podcast Episode 10: From Call to Exile

It’s been over a year since I’ve released a podcast. There have been lots of reasons for the lengthy hiatus, but anyway, it’s back! Call this Seers See Ministries Podcast 2.0. (Whatever 2.0 is supposed to mean!). In this brief episode, I give an epicly short overview of the Old Testament from the call to Abraham to the Exile. This…

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What is Prophecy?

Prophesying in Walmart I was sitting on a bench near the front of Walmart waiting for the rest of my party to get finished. Some lady was sitting next to me. I didn’t know her.  We were both minding our own business. God spoke to me to prophecy to her. I had all sorts of fear and resistance to this idea, but…

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Additional Thoughts on the VFTB Interview Parenting in the Land of Moloch

Derek Gilbert interviewed me on The View From the Bunker (VFTB) about an article I wrote for Skywatch TV magazine. For links to the interview and the article, click here. And be sure to subscribe to VFTB. The next interview is with Dr. Michael Heiser regarding The Unseen Realm, which I gushed over in a previous post. Revelatory Discussion I always enjoy talking…

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So…what are spirits?

I’ve had this blog/website for more than three years, and I’ve finally written content for the previously-vacant “What are spirits” page. It’s the rough draft of chapter for a short book on spiritual house cleansing, and needs some edits and revisions, plus the sources need cleaned up. But many people have written me and asked for some content there. Not sure…

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