Interview on Soaring Eagle Radio

Back in November, I was interviewed by Pastor Mike Spaulding on Soaring Eagle Radio. I’ve enjoyed his podcast since he launched it and was humbled by his invitation. It was a wide-ranging conversation and was kind of fun. He’s a thoughtful guy and I recommend his podcast. Anyway, this interview was released over the weekend. You may enjoy hearing it. The article I…

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Modern Fantasy Fiction and Teens, Part 2

In Part 1, I revealed my thinking about teens and Christians in general reading fantasy fiction. In this post, I’ll lay out some recommendations, as well as the reasons I’m recommending them.  In some ways, my list makes me feel a bit of a curmudgeon, because they are the fantasy fiction released in previous generations.  Isn’t that just like an…

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Modern Fantasy Fiction and Teens, Part 1

Many parents, especially Christian parents, have expressed concern with their kids reading a lot of modern fantasy fiction. Witches, vampires, zombies, werewolves, wizards… are stories with these as characters safe to read? Are there alternatives, especially for teenagers who like to read? A friend posted a similar question in a Facebook group we belong to, and many responses can be…

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The Point of the Christmas Star

The most influential Christian theologian of all time was the Jewish scholar, the Apostle Paul.  His brilliant mind was sharpened by the best education of his day and his theology was radically shaped by personal encounters with Jesus. The Creation Declared the King! One of Paul’s frustrations was the refusal of so many of his own people to recognize Jesus as their…

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The Christmas Story: What Goes Without Being Said

The 7 or so weeks that end the year constitute my family’s favorite season: It’s Christmas time and a great reason to review the biblical accounts of Jesus’ birth. We milk the season for all its glory.  My wife collects…. can you guess what? Read the Christmas Story for the First Time In the last few years, I’ve been learning to…

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Review of Elf: A Tale about the Gospel

Fairy Tales and Myths As explained in this previous post, I accept J.R.R. Tolkien’s and C.S. Lewis’ take on the meaning of myths and the nature of fairy tales.  Since Tolkien and Lewis were two of the most brilliant storytellers in the last few centuries of the English language, their insight into fairy tales, myths, and stories is worth considering. I think…

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Seer Children, Father Christmas, Santa and the Three Kings

A couple years ago on this night, I revealed to my seer child that Santa Claus was not “real.” In many cultures, parents participate in the mythical idea of a creature called Santa or Father Christmas (in some countries, it’s the Three Kings) who brings presents to good girls and boys on Christmas morning. Particulars of course vary. The idea…

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Mental Health and the Supernatural

I recently spoke with a seer who is seeing a mental health therapist.  Many of the seers I speak to see therapists to deal with mental health struggles. It’s very difficult for people who regularly see into the spirit realm and the unseen war around us to cope in “normal” ways with reality, as defined in our Western scientific materialist culture….

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Finding God in a Culture Obsessed with Star Wars

As explained in this previous post, the first key to accurately discerning God’s voice requires you to truly know who God is and this can be extremely difficult in our Star Wars-obsessed culture. Actually, the obsession with Star Wars is an indicative symptom of something deeper going on in society. As ediaore people are coming to terms with the supernatural…

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