The Failure of Materialism

 Dark Matter and the Unseen Realm: The Failure of Materialism

For the last few centuries, Western civilization has been built on a “materialist” worldview. Since I was born and raised in the United States, I have been immersed in this worldview.

Dark Matter?A worldview is a subconscious process by which we interpret reality. Everyone has a worldview. We tend to adopt the worldview of the culture in which we are born and raised. By default, I interpret reality through materialist eyes.  There are many aspects to worldview, and I’m drawing on the work of others.[ref]For instance, Wimber, John and Springer, Kevin, “Power Evangelism”, Regal Publishing, 2009, pages 134-141. Putnam, Putty, “School of Kingdom Ministry Manual”, Coaching Saints Publication, 2013, pages 7-22.[/ref] When faced with circumstances that defy my default worldview, I experience cognitive dissonance. (The concept of worldview is addressed more in part 2).

This explains why, when our young daughter reacted to things we could not see, I wondered at her sanity. My worldview did not accept that ability and did not accept the reality of demonic entities.

Western Civilization has formed its educational and scientific thinking on a materialist worldview, whose “central assumption is that everything is essentially material or physical, even minds.” [ref]Sheldrake Rupert, “Setting Science Free From Materialism”, 2013, Accessed 11/12/13 [/ref]. The outgrowth of this worldview is a way of life that is devoted entirely to material interests, “a preoccupation with wealth, possessions, and luxury.”[ref]Ibid.[/ref] Materialist philosophy “denies the existence of any spiritual realities or non-material goals.”[ref]Ibid.[/ref]

The materialist worldview has enjoyed great success over the last few centuries because the fruit of its results have been perceived as beneficial to humanity. On the one hand, for instance, materialist principles have yielded an abundance of food for hungry people. On the other, it has reduced the method of distributing that food to a mere material transaction between material entities with no real worth or value aside from money.

Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. in biology, argues that in the 21st Century, materialism has experience a “credibility crunch.”[ref]Ibid.[/ref] If matter is the only reality, then what of the mind? What of consciousness? Is consciousness nothing but brain activity? Can matter have consciousness? Or is consciousness just an illusion? Materialists have no satisfactory answer.

While we understand what chemical processes happen, for instance, when red light hits the eye, how do we account for the experience of the person seeing red?

The explosion of research into quantum physics has blown up the materialist worldview. For instance, if all that exists is matter and energy, scientists have a problem. Because matter and energy somehow cause gravitational effects (exactly how, no one knows), we have observed that  there is not enough mass/energy in the universe to account for all the gravity. In fact, known matter and energy only make up about 4% of the universe. The nature of the remaining 96% is unknown: it’s called Dark Matter. It must be there, according to materialism, but it cannot be observed or tested. It’s assumed to be there by faith.[ref]You don’t have to look too far to read about the conundrum Dark Matter poses to materialists. But here’s a good, recent article, accessed 11/12/13 :[/ref]

Quantum physics studies what happens to matter and energy at minute levels, because what happens is weird and defies the “laws” that matter and energy normally conform to. [Edit – 12/10/18 – My thoughts on quantum physics have developed … see our Peeranormal podcasts on the topic.]

Particles pop in and out of existence.  Some particles, with literally no transfer, loss or gain of energy or mass, emit light from seemingly no where, and then absorb the light again.[ref]Fusco, Thomas P. “Behind the Cosmic Veil,” New Vision Press (2011), page 148.[/ref] Poof, into existence, and Poof, out of existence. From whence came the light? Or from whom?[ref]Genesis 1:3, “And God said, Let there be light.” (ESV) 1 John 1:5, “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” (ESV)[/ref]

Tiny particles can be split and sent in different directions. You can affect one of them, and the other is affected as well, although there’s no known mechanism that would connect those particles.

Think of this in a practical way: Have you ever known someone was watching you? 

How? How can you know when someone is watching you? Somehow the act of that person watching affects the you.  This works on pets as well.[ref], accessed 11/12/2013.[/ref]  And it works on tiny quantum particles. By observing a particle, its actions change.  Weird.

 Materialism breaks down in numerous other capacities. My point is not to argue that materialism doesn’t accurately account for phenomena in the universe. There are numerous other more brilliant thinkers who have taken on that cause.[ref]See Thomas Nagel, “Mind and Cosmos: Why the materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Amost Certainly False” (2012).[/ref]  My point is to start with the conclusion that materialism fails as a worldview to account for reality.
Materialism fails as a worldview to account for reality.

Materialism cannot account for the unseen, untestable, and unknowable cause and effects.  Materialism is not a worldview that accurately interprets reality.

In other words… there is more to reality than just the physical “seen” world.

There must be also an unseen cosmos – a cosmos that cannot be tested, organized, and categorized- that interacts with the seen cosmos – the physical world that can be tested, organized, and categorized. For fun, I’ll call this world Dark Matter… or the “spirit world.”

Back to the Worldview Page.


  1. Because of the nature of this website I like to add the following. Hope you will forgive my interpretation of your language and grammar.

    If you experience strange things, you are not alone. The reality and wordview are much more different than what most people think. I also came to the same conclusion as the writer of the article above. Because of diverse reasons, but the main one is the following.

    I have a heart for countries and continents. Always had as long as I am a christian. But when I see the future for a country it is different from when in a vision, dream or other means I see the future from the same country.

    When the Lord is making things clear, than it is very different from when I myself see the future.

    That changed my worldview a lot. Because where does it come from if it’s different from the way the Lord shows it?

    I am not paranormal, do not drink, (do not smoke,) have never used drugs, so where does it come from? Christians tend to say that it’s from the devil or that I am paranormal gifted. But that’s not true, I know.

    During the last months I got more and more convinced that my seeing of futures or auras or spirits or … is originated by its Maker, the Lord. Just like ‘normal’ nature.

    Spirits are there, angels are there, the present is here, but also the past. The Lord has created it like this. And it is beautiful! If you see it.

    For instance the Quantum Physics are mind blowing. A particle is fixed in a position and at the same time is spinning around it’s axis.

    Particles go to the past and travel back again. And so on. The Lord created everything, but we, as the human race, have forgotten to see it.

    (Perhaps there is room for my experieces? Otherwise you may leave it out.)

    For me there are 3 main differences when the Lord does show me something or that I myself see somethning:

    1. When I like to see the future of a continent, I can switch it on and off. Just like I don’t want to see auras with their colors, or spirits or visions from the past. I get tired from them and the information does not help me.

    Too much information causes an overload in my brains, so I switch it off and only see with my natural eyes. By default almost everything is switched off to protect myself.

    But when the Lord shows me something, it is a real “Act of God.” I have nothing to say in this matter. It just happens.

    2. When I see the future of a country it is kind of streaming, not much happening, just like a normal country.

    But when the Lord does show it, it is very vivid.

    When I see the future it is more like the black and white tv with mono sound. But when the Lord shows something it is full color HD tv stereo.

    3. When I see the future it is like it is. I cannot do much about it and it’s simply there.

    But when the Lord shows something I normally have a good idea what to do with it. And how to act.

    Extra: The future is not fixed. Most of the time I see only one future for a country or a business or a person or … But also I see more futures for a country.

    For instance my own country, the Netherlands. I see 3 futures. Sometimes sequential in the time, but also simultaneously. For the nearby future there are 2 bad and 1 good. So I pray the good one will come into existence.

    My opinion: I think we are on a trail. And there are switches. As a country or person you can use the switch to change the direction and go to another future.

    OK, I ‘ll finish. There is a lot more.

    Hope this will help you, my friend. I am, sure many people experience it the same way, but are too afraid to tell. You are not alone …

    Thanks again for the courage to maintain and invest in this website,

    Many greetings,


    • This is fascinating, Marten. Please feel free to share more!

      I agree the future is not fixed. The biblical account of David in Keilah demonstrates this. He asked God about Saul; God saw into a possible future. Based on God’s answers, David acted, and the actions changed the future that God saw.

      • Thanks Doug,

        Where applicable on this great website I ‘ll share more. For me, I am trying to find out how the Lord can use me and stay in tune with His training schedule.

        I am a little hesitant to share too much at the moment because this is not mainstream Christianity. But you also don ‘t have a “common/normal Christian” website. Give me some time.

        Thanks for helping me and many others,


  2. I think that there are many things in our current world that we cannot understand with our present mind set.
    Firstly most systems are corrupted if not all of them. In my life as a nurse and therapist I have encountered profound bullying from many people and suffered many layers of being misunderstood.
    I now understand that from aged 9 years of age I was a seer. I grew up with people from the holocaust.
    They had lost all their families. I was also poor. I seemed to understand even at aged 6 what had happened to them. In every place of work I encountered some very evil corrupted people.
    I have also met some amazing open hearted people.

    When I see someone in the street I can know almost immediately what kind of life they lead and I may not have met them personally.

    Having this depth of sensitivity is a gift and a handicap and I often have to retreat and be alone.
    I have to walk in nature and meditate and do a lot of physical exercise and regular communion. I pray ceaselessly.

    Our world systems honour power, money, hedonism. We are only valued by what we own and possess and this is also seen in the Christian communities also. I know as I was once married to an Anglican Priest who didn’t have a spiritual bone in the whole of his being. He was totally selfish and a narcissistic corrupted being yet people followed him as if her were a guru. There are many people like this whom I name as charlatan because they are counterfeit and chameleons and have no spiritual life as their hearts are closed and they act like robots.

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  4. I appreciate your sharing. This subject is a continual occurrence in our large family and the perspectives are varied, much because some have this gifting and experience it daily and others do not share in this kind of discernment and despite what scripture says on the matter, because those that don’t see or feel in the spirit, explain away it’s reality. So where does that leave those of us who live it? Are we perceived as crazy? Liars? Although we are loved our reality is met with skepticism by believers no less and loved ones. What’s the answer to this. I am a feeler. I have 8 children of which I know half are feelers and the other four, well their perspective will not allow admittance of such things as of yet. I have a five year old grandson who is a seer and a feeler. There are those who would say at times his irrational behavior would warrant a firm hand and that he lacks discipline. But I know he is experiencing the supernatural world. Thank you for your blog.

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