I am a Seer: Now What, Part 3

This series considers the “Now what?” after someone who often sees things in the spirit realm actually accepts that he or she is a seer. In Part 1, I suggest making a choice to serve Christ. In Part 2, I suggest looking at the crowds and have compassion for them. But what next? Many seers have a hard time considering the…

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I am a Seer. Now What? Part 2

This series considers the “Now what?” after a Christian accepts that he or she is a seer. In Part 1, I suggest making a choice to serve Christ. If you don’t, you’ll may inadvertently be aiding the enemies of Christ by not using this gift for the Kingdom. Nobody really wants that. So choose! So okay, yeah, you’ve made the choice…

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I am a Seer: Now what?

A common concern- almost an admission of defeat – comes from when a Christian admits, “I am a Seer.” And then adds, “Now what?” I will attempt a short series of brief posts (brief for me… I really do need an editor to “slash and burn” about half of what I write!) to try and provide guidance to Christians, whether…

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Seers: Christians and the New Age

I am republishing this very popular article from December, with some key edits. A common refrain among seers is that their pastor or other spiritual leaders have rejected them. If this is you, I hope this article offers some encouragement. A Christian recently commented on this page about how Christians often throw accusations of being part of the New Age…

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Easter Sunday: Forgiving the Betrayer

So much can be said about Resurrection Sunday, the traditional day marking that day God resurrected Jesus from the dead. It’s the most astounding day in history. The day that God confirmed that everything Jesus said was true. Hundreds of people saw the risen savior and today, we continue with his testimony that he is risen. Today, I want to end…

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Holy Saturday: Jesus Preached to the Spirits

Today is the traditional remembrance of when Jesus was still in the tomb before the traditional remembrance of Resurrection Sunday on Easter.  We’ve been considering some of the more supernatural events during this, the most supernatural week in history. Peter suggests that Jesus did something amazing after he died on the Cross.  First, let’s look at the larger context of…

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Holy Week: The Bulls of Bashan Surround Me

Many Christians traditionally remember Good Friday as the day Jesus died on the Cross. To learn a little about the significance of the The Cross, please read the brief article here. Today, I want to talk about one of the more startling but often missed aspects of Jesus’ experience on the Cross. To get the context, let’s step back a couple weeks before…

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Holy Week: Betraying the Forgiver

This week, we at Seers See are reflecting on the most supernatural week in history. One of the most startling events in the week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection was the betrayal by one of his closest friends and trusted confidant. Traditionally, Judas Iscariot is remembered to have agreed with the Temple priests to betray Jesus on the…

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A Teen Seer Growing up in America

What’s it like being a teen seer growing up in a society that looks askance as the very idea of the spirit realm?  Let’s examine a post from a couple years ago by a college student about just that very issue. Check it out “I am a Teenaged Seer” here.    For additional posts to help teens and their parents parse…

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