Myths Mysteries and Majesties Interview

I’ve been invited to this podcast, and if you get a chance, check it out live. It’s 8 EST/7CST on Sunday, July 2.

Eternal Life: The Age to Come and Belief in Christ

Let’s explore the concept of eternal life from the biblical perspective. Christians often associate eternal life with the idea of salvation and the hope of believers after death in a heavenly realm. George Ladd, a renowned scholar, in his influential work A Theology of the New Testament and elsewhere explained that eternal life is not just a distant future state…

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The Seer Gift and Vineyard Distinctives

One of the distinctive features of the Vineyard movement, founded by John Wimber, is the theology of the kingdom of God. Wimber taught that the kingdom of God is both present and future, both already and not yet. He believed that God’s reign has been inaugurated by Jesus, but not yet fully consummated. This means that we can experience some aspects…

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Pineal Gland and the Watchers

The Pineal Gland and the Watchers of Genesis 6:1-4

The Pineal gland, a small endocrine gland located in the center of the brain, has long been associated with spiritual experiences and altered states of consciousness. In addition, recent research has also linked disorders of the pineal gland to premature puberty, which can lead to humans of large size (not gigantism, but “giants.”) These connections remind me of Genesis 6:1-4,…

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The Seer Gift in Light of the Cross

God has granted some people the ability to see spiritual truths and into the spiritual realm. This seer gift can be illuminated further in the light of Christ’s finished work on the Cross. I’ve been listening to N.T. Wright’s The Day the Revolution Began for the second time. I’ll probably listen to it again this summer as there is a…

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Tips to Parent a Child Who Sees Spirits

If your child sees spirits, it can be a confusing and scary experience for both the child and parents. However, it’s important to remember that seeing spirits is a gift, and with the right guidance and support, your child can learn to understand and manage their abilities. Here are some tips for nurturing a child who sees spirits: Remember, nurturing…

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Three Types of Gifts from the Holy Spirit

The indwelling Holy Spirit is a vital component of the Christian faith, and one of the most significant ways He impacts the lives of believers is through the gifts He bestows upon them. These gifts are not mere talents or abilities but supernatural endowments that enable believers to carry out God’s work and build up the body of Christ. Let’s…

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Pastoring seers

Pastoring Seers

As a pastor, you are called to lead your congregation with wisdom, grace, and spiritual insight. But what do you do when you have members in your church who possess the unique gift to see into the spiritual realm? How can you effectively lead these individuals and help them use their gifts in a way that honors God and benefits…

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Some Modern Challenges to Seers’ Faith: UFO’s, Monism, Magic, Past Lives, and Quantum Mechanics.

The cosmos is more complicated than many Christians suppose. Recently, I was asked about how to reconcile UFOlogy, Monism, Magic, Past Lives, Quantum Mechanics, and other related ideas within a Christian Worldview. I can relate to the question. More than a dozen years ago, I also went down the rabbit trail of discovering that the cosmos is far more complicated…

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