The ability to perceive into the supernatural realm may be related to brain chemistry surrounding the pineal gland. The pineal gland is small and shaped like a pine cone, and is in the deep recesses of the brain. It produces various hormones related to sleep, sex, and growth.
Many religions consider it the gateway to spiritual awareness and it’s been called the “third eye” and the “seat of the soul.” Much mysticism surrounds it. The hype is probably overblown and frankly, its functioning and total purposes aren’t completely understood by modern science.
Peer-reviewed research demonstrates that manipulating the pineal gland in certain ways can impact the development of the sex organs while producing giantism.
It is one of the few parts of the brain that is not isolated from the blood stream. Both spinal fluid and blood flow strongly through the pineal gland.
Abusing the Pineal Glad
Western diet, fluoridated water, and constant visual attacks (e.g., television programming) might tend to calcify or numb the pineal gland’s ability to function. Speculatively, maybe this is why some people can “see” as children, but as they age, they lose their ability: their pineal gland has been so blunted by pollutants generated by Western society.

A drawing of the Pineal Gland
Some drugs seem to act on the pineal gland, instantly shutting it down. This is why when some seers go to “get help” with something like depression, and a doctor prescribes anti-depressants, the “seeing” stops. But when they go off the drugs (to deal with the depression in other ways), the “seeing” returns.
But then, maybe the drugs aren’t affecting the pineal gland specifically, but brain chemistry in general.
I know a seer who was afflicted with migraines, and took certain migraine medication, only to find her ability to see in the spirit realm stopped. The questions she had to answer was simply: is it worth not seeing into the spirit realm to live pain free? It was, although she felt some fear never knowing if a room was “safe” or not, because she couldn’t perceive into the spirit realm anymore.
Eventually, her doctor switched medications, and a few weeks later, her ability to perceive the spirit realm returned, while the migraines stayed away. I haven’t been able to locate research to indicate if some of these drugs impact the pineal gland, but I suspect they impact brain chemistry generally.
Speculatively, some drugs radically “open” the pineal gland in negative ways. People on LSD and other drugs (such as potent, refined marijuana) report seeing very frightening things. It’s difficult to know if the hallucinations are just hallucinations or if they are really seeing something in the spirit realm. It’s difficult to know if the reason they see things is because of the pineal glad or because the drugs impact various parts of brain chemistry.
Activating the Pineal Gland
Much mysticism abounds relating to “activating the pineal gland.” Perhaps the pineal gland is stimulated when people pray to God or other spirit beings, when they use certain drugs, when they meditate, and for other reasons.
Perhaps it metaphorically opens a window or portal into the spirit world. It enables all of us to have mystical experiences (without drugs).
Cleansing the Pineal Gland
There is much advice on the Internet about the need to “cleanse” the pineal gland. I saw one image shared on social media with 15 herbs that “decalcify” (or remove calcium buildup) from the pineal gland. Ostensibly, you’d want to “decalcify” the pineal gland to have better spiritual experiences.
I’m reminded of a passage from the Book of Enoch, which describes the Watchers who came to earth in the days of Enoch. A Watcher is a powerful guardian spirit who was supposed to watch over a territory in protection. These particular Watchers “saw and lusted after” the “beautiful and comely (human) daughters”[ref]Enoch 6:1-2, translated by R.H. Charles, 1917 [/ref]. They came to earth and made a deal with men: in exchange to sexually use the women they wanted, the Watchers would teach men, among other things, “charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants.” [ref]Enoch 7:1[/ref]
For what purpose did they teach about the cutting of roots and use of plants?
Witchcraft. In other words, a short-cut, a hack, into having easier spiritual experience. People smoke or consume herbs to control a spiritual experience, or attempt to control God – or other spirits. And this is the heart of witchcraft.
This event, in which humans were taught occultism (as well as how to turn women into sex objects, and how to create weapons of war) were, in the views of the Biblical writers, one of the principal causes of wickedness in the world.
So let me ask this; Is it God’s plan to use herbs to create a spiritual experience?
If not, then what is God’s plan?
Oh, sure, repenting is not as easy as consuming or smoking herbs. Repenting is an all-consuming experience… (but isn’t that what happens with drug use or dieting or cleansing fads… they control us…?)… because God is an all-consuming fire.
Instead of doing drugs to control your spiritual experience, draw closer to God through repentance and spiritual disciplines so God can control your spiritual experience.
Turning away from your old life to pursue the life of purity God wants so God can rule and reign in our bodies, our thinking, and our hearts might very well mean changing your diet, and treating your body like it’s a temple God wants to live in. It might even mean exercising. It certainly means stop sinning. It means setting our thoughts on things above and submitting your will to God’s will.
But it certainly does not mean taking herbs or drugs to shortcut God’s plan into a spiritual experience. That was the plan of the Watchers, which after all led to great human wickedness. And in case you missed it, Jesus defeated the Watchers on the Cross.
Steward Your Body, Mind and Spirit
It’s important to not overblow the importance of the pineal gland, or any other part of the body..
It’s not in the pineal gland that we move and live and have our being. If you are a Christian, it’s in Christ.
The pineal gland is not the gate and stairway to heaven. Jesus is.
Your body -not just the pineal gland – is a gift. Steward it. Your mind -not just the pineal gland – is a gift. Hone it.
Focus our thoughts on things above and not things below, and seek first the rule and reign of God in our lives. In other words, keep the knowledge of this gland in perspective.
Revised 11/12/2020
Pineal gland is really a spiritual thing or gland in our body.Abusing Pineal gland and letting it calcified is not a good idea for you at all. It can cause less IQ, less memory. We can activate Pineal gland with the help of Pineal cleanser.
The pineal gland is the gateway .to heaven or hell .it opens portals .om must be righteous to use this wisely. Or else it can be like opening Pandora’s box.demons may come through portals and try to take your life.if you are righteous. Gods and angles will be their to help you.the knowledge that comes from this area can be infinity’s
I have been a Seer my whole life it runs in my family. I am the only male my Mom seen it the day I was born. She called it a baby Aura my sisters are Seers also didn’t have the Aura just only me. I have 3 sisters and we all have Huntingtons disease but dong well. I go through waves that are so strong in my sleep. I’ve stopped two nightmares that came true not long ago.if this happens tell that person immediately, please. I have some scripture I read attributed to cleansing your energy and environment. I meet my barber just like I was guided there and low a behold she’s a strong Medium we have connections so strong sometimes we balance or energy. She is the person in the almost car wreck. Cleansing spell and Sage resin . It’s very real…
Thanks for this article. Could be true. Because I am autistic I never watch tv. I simply do not understand it, because I can never see the story behind it, but only notice separate parts that I cannot glue together.
I also never watch the “news” on the tv. I do not read my daily paper, because it has nothing to say. I do not listen to the radio for “news” or whatever they want me to know.
So you can say that I am not very much polluted be all kinds of attention-crying non- and dis-information.
Instead of listening to what all the media want me to know I listen to our Lord, what He does want me to know.
Maybe all this helps that my seer capabilities are rather good?
News and all horrible things that are going on in the world is clutter. It’s one of those things I have to avoid. it’s like driving on a clear sunny day and watching the news is literally as if turning a fog machine on. Political chaos
is a real switch also but remember everyone is wired differently just some advice or something to think about…
Vince J
Thank you for sharing!
I am a seer! I would like to speak with one of the writers or editors of this page please contact me if possible as soon as possible @[email protected]
I would like to talk? if you would like
Sending you an email!
I had wondered why I had stopped seeing things, now after reading this, I had started taking a couple of migraine prevention medicines. I am very curious to know if they’re the same medications as the person you knew we’re taking. I would love for somebody to contact me and I would be happy to tell you what it is that I was taking. If nothing else you may have additional medications you can add to your list.
I am a seer also and any helpful links would help me to undestand this gift from the Holy Spirit better. I see unclean spirits at times but mainly feel good and bad. Not to sure what the Lord wants me to do. Im waiting on his answer but any help would be greatly appreciated.
[email protected]
I feel the same way. A lot of Everything has been polluted. I’ve been an outdoors type person all my life and I’m glad I am . Blessings to you 💖✨
Has anyone noticed how these spirits seem to use reflective light to appear and travel, and looking through windows, sheers, or even a camera lens or God himself, who is ‘the light of the world’ helps us to see these spirits? Tthe pineal gland itself is a light regulator and is the source for Day and night. It also regulates serotonin levels which trigger’s adrenaline output under high levels of stess or fear. I have taken many photos of spirits in reflective objects such as windows, body of automobiles, and mirrors.
Hi Vickie,
That’s interesting. I see a lot of spirits but cannot take pictures of them. It never works for me…
My psychic or subconscious mind is away off track like blank as of seeing spiritual things
That’s really interesting. It’s likely that you were designed to be very spiritually sensitive, but toxins in the environment muted your natural ability to pick things up. My opinion about orbs is they are manifestations from the spiritual realm interacting with the physical realm. Take note of them, but don’t necessarily try to interact with them. See if you can discern a pattern to their movements.
it does and it will i am the same i only use it to educate even when i am watching videos and playing games to the bible
Hello Vickie I’m so glad I have finally come across someone who can confirm this I’m what I believe to be a seer and I have felt intentions I have felt spirits I have only been able to see them in mirrors and cameras I have photos that I have been searching to figure out I have a few and they are very disturbing but also I just wish I could understand them better I have tried to ask opinions but others see theres some thing to the pictures but I have not figured out what exactly they are and if you know anyone who can take a look and possibly help just identify the many spirits and what the meanings are please contact me Jessica