Territorial Spirits, Part 1

Emily and I begin a 2 part conversation on Territorial spirits. Of course, when we started the conversation, we didn’t realize there’d be a part 2…


  1. May I share something? First many thanks to Doug and Emily for this inspirational broadcast!!! I enjoyed it a lot.
    I do not really understand why not fight against the territorial spirits.

    When you read Ephesians 6 : 12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” to me it looks as if it is good to do. But I am no great Bible explainer.

    Of course I do like you and Emily discussed, but I also fight against these territorial spirits. And for me it really works. As a seer I am able to see them leave and often good spirits take the place of the evil ones. This way the atmosphere of a city and county and whatever changes. The result is that people much easier make a decision for the Lord.

    I am not constantly fighting against the spirits over countries, but only when the Lord does allow it. (I enjoy the fights.) For instance, there is a good spirit over the USA as a country and the follwing US states: California, Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, South Dacota and Maine. These ones are the highest spiritual authorities over their areas.

    Sometimes these evil territorial spirits are surrounded by their armies, other times they are alone. I like when they are loosing and leaving wounded. Alone or with the rest of their wounded soldiers.

    And after that seeing the good guys taking the freed up space.

    When wearing the armor of the Lord from verse 13 to 18 I am always protected. In the past 40 years only a few times during the night I had some counter-attacks, but only causing some small wounds on my arm and leg and minor scratches on my body. But that’s all. Absolutely nothing serious and nothing to worry about.

    Again, thanks for your hard work Doug and also Emily in the discussions on video.

    I really look forward to read your book, Doug!

    May it be very soon,

    • Like to add a little to my previous comment.

      The above is all true for me as I experience it. But when you directly attack spiritual authorities start with the ones at the bottom of their hierarchie. They have the lowest level of power. If that is going well then go up higher.

      Demons are the lowest evil powers and that is probably why Jesus commands his disciples in Matthew 10 : 1 to cast out these unclean spirits. They are no territorial spirits and like to torture men.

      Casting out unclean spirits is the easiest to do. Like Jesus commanded his disciples before they did receive the Holy Spirit.

      But I am no Bible teacher. I have seen many occasions when brothers and sisters got counter-attacked by territorial spirits and lost their marriage, job, goods, health and more.

      So casting out demons is normal, but when you attack territorial spirits first ask the Lord about it. When He is OK, then start with the lowest in rank, to boost your confidence. And then go to the top.

      An advantage as a seer is that you have the ability to see what you are doing and the effect of your warfare. The most difficult ones to wage war against are the three highest spiritual beings, the top-commands, directly under satan. Then you must be very sure to do that, for they always counter-attack you. Alone or with their armies.

      But with the help of our Lord everything is possible. Know who you are in Christ. For in Christ Jesus you are seated in heavenly places (Eph. 2 : 6).

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