Pre-Order Seers See: Instruction on Seeing into the Spiritual Realm

It’s finally here.

After 12 years of posting on this site, of hearing from you, thousands of seers and those who love them, and 7 years of writing and rewriting, it’s finally here.

The definitive guide on the seer gift.

And it’s officially being release on September 1, 2024.

You can now pre-order the Kindle and paperback versions of Seers See: Instructions on Seeing into the Spiritual Realm are available on Amazon. Stay tuned for links to the paperback version.

Many seers are on a journey of discovery regarding their gift. You have choices: to reject or ignore it; to use it for your personal gain, or to submit it to the Lord Jesus. Seers See: Instruction on Seeing into the Spiritual Realm is the kind of resource I’d give my own daughter on how to use the seeing ability. After more than a decade of research, study, and growth, it’s been long time coming. I hope you enjoy it.

Emily Dixon of Faith and Other Oddities and I have been discussing the content of each chapter on the Seers See YouTube channel. It’s also available on various podcasting platforms.

Here are some of the episodes:

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