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On the Alien Intrusion of Reptilians, Greys, and other ETs

The documentary, Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception has been released this week in American theaters.  I haven’t seen the movie yet. It’s by Gary Bates, whose 2004 book Alien Intrusion first introduced to me the most plausible explanation for the UFO phenomena.

Countless millions have seen UFOs and experienced encounters with aliens. In many cases, these appear to be spiritual entities masquerading as physical creatures from another world or dimension.

I’ve always been interested in this topic, although I have never seen a UFO, nor has anything my daughter or any other seer I regularly work with ever interpreted anything they’ve seen as an alien or a UFO.  I don’t consider abductees or those who report seeing aliens or UFOs to be seers.

But in most cases, they are still probably experiencing spiritual things, rather than interacting with alien beings.

I suppose within the hierarchy of the Domain of Darkness, some of these beings could be considered “aliens”, because they were created and destined to work in the spiritual realm, but have left that to interfere with our physical world in ways that violated God’s order. But I’m equivocating a bit.

I do recommend Gary Bates’ book (I believe there’s an updated version since 2004) and encourage support for this movie.

This reminded me of a message I received a couple years ago on the Seers See Forum, asking about the alien intrusion of reptilian people, alien grey, draconian, and other ET’s. Here’s the question:

I recently saw a conversation regarding a reptilian people, the greys, ETS, draconians. Can anyone give me insight into this terminology and the belief system behind it all? Your insight would be greatly appreciated.

The rest of this post offers an answer to this question, but it’s not simple nor comprehensive. Also, I do not endorse any of these conspiracy theories.

It all starts with really distorting something in the Bible (don’t a lot of bad ideas come from distorting the Bible?)

The Reptilian Theory

Genesis 3 tells of the Serpent who came to Eve and tricked her into eating the forbidden fruit. Some people believe this means Eve and all of humanity became enslaved to the serpent.

Among the conspiratorial community, two ideas abound about the Serpent. Some believe that the serpent was a Reptilian – a bipedal reptile alien from another world. These aliens are an advanced species that came to earth to enslave humanity long ago, which Genesis explains in mythic terms because the ancients could not understand their advanced technology.

The Reptilians were actually the good guys and Yahweh, God of the Bible, was the bad guy, because Yahweh kept knowledge from Adam and Eve, enslaving them.

But for some reason, humans came to distrust these reptilian aliens, driving them from the Earth. Ever since then, these reptilians have worked hard behind the scenes to condition the world into believing they are truly the good guys. Someday, they’ll return in big space ships with their advanced technology and lead us to true freedom, everlasting peace and salvation.

A fictional take on this is Arthur C. Clark’s Childhood End, which is about reptilian aliens who come in giant spaceships and want to free us from believing in a mythical all-powerful God and other superstitions.

The Serpent Seed Theory

Other conspiracy theorists believe the Serpent was a being created by God, i.e., Lucifer, an enemy of God with the body of a Reptile. God put Lucifer in charge of a planet called Rahab, but after Lucifer rebelled, God destroyed Rahab (which became the asteroid belt), and Lucifer fled to the Earth to take over this planet, first by hooking up with Eve.

Yes, many in the fringe believe that Cain is the offspring of Lucifer and Eve, and so a large portion of the human race aren’t actually humans, but sub-humans. (Can you see the seed of racism, here?)

The Alien Savior Theory

Others suggest that Genesis 6:1-4, which describes the Sons of God taking as wives human women, who gave birth to Nephilim, refers to an alien race that created hybrids with humans. The hybrids became the ancient kings, demi-gods and rulers of the nations. Someday, they’re going to come back and do it again, and that’s why people are abducted by aliens, being impregnated to create alien hybrids, and being taught that an alien savior is coming to earth.

The Catholic Church has announced it is ready to baptize any aliens, furthering conspiratorial speculation that the Church is in cahoots with the aliens.

More Ancient Aliens Myths

Ancient myths, especially Egypt’s and Mesopotamia’s, supposedly really explain the Reptilians were aliens who came to Earth to enslave humanity.

Egypt is especially poignant, because they believed that Osiris, a reptilian, was killed by a rebel, who cut him up into 14 pieces, and scattered the pieces about. The wife – Isis – gathered 13 pieces, but couldn’t find the phallus, so made one up (i.e., the obelisk) and used magic (technology) to impregnate herself (i.e., the dome), giving birth to Horus.

Some of the fringe theorists say these are all mythical codes and what really happened is these Reptilians placed 13 families in charge of all human history. These 13 families (Rockefellers, European royalty, etc.) are all actually Reptilians, or perhaps hybrids, or descendants of Reptilians or hybrids.

We can see the proof of this, the theorists say, in both the Vatican and Washington DC, because in both places, there is an obelisk and a dome, and when the U.S. President takes the Oath of Office, he stands by the dome on the Capitol building and looks at the obelisk. Plus, the eye of Horus is on the dollar bill over the unfinished pyramid. The theorists explain that these are codes explaining the Reptilian and/or Masonic conspiracy to rule the world through embracing an alien god.

The Alien Antichrist Theory

For some conspiracy theorists, the goal of the Reptilians is total domination and subjugation of the world, but mainly of America and Europe (because the rest of the world is… well, doesn’t measure up. Again, see the embedded racism?).

For others, the goal is to set up the One World Government and to give birth to The Antichrist. Symbolically, this would be the completed pyramid with Horus in charge.

Some theorists argue that Horus is actually Nimrod of the Bible and one of the first (or many) Antichrists, and he’ll be resurrected/reborn/genetically animated/etc. into the future Antichrist in charge of the One World Government and worshipped in the One World Religion. The Iraq War, some say, was launched so that the U.S. military could recover the remains of Nimrod, to be genetically or scientifically reanimated as the Antichrist.

Some theorists think the Antichrist idea is a construct made up by aliens from another world who want to take over the Earth. These aliens are either reptilians or little grey aliens.

The Alien Greys

The Alien Greys the little aliens with big heads made famous in several science fiction movies. This imagery originated with a drawing by Aleister Crowley of a spirit that manifested to him. These beings are interpreted in different ways. Some theorists think they are simply aliens from another planet, perhaps in league with the Reptilians or perhaps enslaved by them or perhaps opposed to them or perhaps in charge of them.

Other theorists think they either run the U.S. government or are in cahoots with the government, and they (or the Reptilians) abduct humans, experiment on them to learn about human biology. Theorists argue they want to create a new human/alien hybrid.

The reasons vary depending on the conspiracy theory… some people think they want to enslave regular humans; or create an army to exterminate regular humans or maybe just the lesser humans.

Other theorists think these beings are actually human clones that didn’t quite work out. So they are used by the military as a slave race in deep underground military bases. Or perhaps they are in charge of the deep underground military bases. Or perhaps they are working with the military to further the alien/antichrist agenda. I mean, you can find people who believe any these things, and they can explain in no uncertain terms why their take is correct.

Ancient Aliens

A lot of these ideas are spread by the Ancient Aliens television show on the History Channel. This show expounds on various ancient (alien) astronaut ideas that say aliens from another world came to earth, did stuff to humans, set themselves up as gods to be worshiped by the primitive humans who couldn’t understand their technology, and used advanced technology to create ancient monolithic structures (like the pyramids).

Ancient myths, say the ancient astronaut theorists, are retellings of these events by primitives humans, who misinterpreted advanced aliens as gods. These aliens were reptilians or greys or various other kinds of creatures.

Ancient Aliens is mainly based on the ideas of Zacharia Sitchin and (ultimately) Madam Blavatsky (a 19th Century spiritualist/gnostic). Sitchin basically took old Sumerian texts and made up new translations to make them say that aliens (the Annunaki) came to earth to mine gold for the alien planets. He wrote in the 1970s, when most people didn’t have access to his source material. (Blavatsky channeled these ideas from spirits).

Today, everyone with Internet access can see the Sumerian texts and their actual translations online. Basically, he made it up. Dr. Michael Heiser shows how to look it up for yourself on

But of course, many conspiracy theorists think Mike is part of the conspiracy. Reptilians control everyone, you see, especially organized religion and governments and the banks and…

Ancient Aliens Debunked

Anyway, I recommend, where you can find an amazing 3 hours long documentary that just destroys the early seasons.

Jason Colavito, a skeptic in all things supernatural, also blasts the program (and many other fringe ideas) on his blog.

Ancient Aliens is still going strong, regularly viewed by many millions of people around the world for about a decade now. This program encourages illogical, paranoid thinking and racism. You only have to look at the newspaper to see how this thinking permeates American life.

The Kingdom of God Mindset

The reason I don’t buy any of this stuff is because I have an altogether different mindset… I call it the Kingdom of God Mindset, as explained in my book, Peace in Your House. 

I basically believe that these ideas – and many others – are meant to condition people to

These ideas of alien intrusion distract from whom God made us to be, the Image of God, extending God’s dynamic peace throughout every aspect of our lives, our communities, the nations, and the universe, through faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Yes, we have a real enemy; no, they aren’t aliens from another world. They are dark spiritual powers and seers often can see them. Sometimes they manifest in ways that non-seers can see them too, often in ways that are interpreted as aliens from another world.

But Jesus defeated all of these powers of darkness on the Cross and through the resurrection, and he’s slowly extending his rule and reign so eventually the entire cosmos will someday be completely under God’s rule.

Peeranormal Podcast

One of the reason Dr. Heiser started the Peeranormal Podcast was to help teach people to think about these fringe ideas logically and rationally.

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30

God gave us a mind, and part of worshiping God with all of your mind is to train it, to use it. I recommend J.P. Moreland’s Kingdom Triangle: Recover the Christian Mind, Renovate the Soul, Restore the Spirit’s Power  and Love God With Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul

In one Peeranormal podcast, I said something about the problem with believing aliens are abducting humans to study them is… it’d be simpler to just hack into the Johns Hopkins University Research library.

When you challenge people with some of these ideas, you’ll be attacked. They’ll say, you need to “wake up” or “break out of the matrix” or “get enlightened” or worse.

(Of course, when I talk about people who can see spirits, some think I’m crazy, and I want to retort the same things to them!)

I have researched some of these ideas several years ago when I was trying to figure out what it is seers see, and have some books on the topic written by true believers. It’s is a deep, dark rabbit hole of Illuminati-Nephilim-Masonic-Templar-Hollow Earth-Bible-Code-Christian “Truthers.”

On some level, I get it. When people meet Jesus, and discover the Lord is absolute Truth, some new believers are too quick to reject just about everything they’ve ever learned as false, and then recreate the most fanciful narratives… All this does is marginalize these new believers to being ineffective in the Kingdom.

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