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Tips to Parent a Child Who Sees Spirits

If your child sees spirits, it can be a confusing and scary experience for both the child and parents. However, it’s important to remember that seeing spirits is a gift, and with the right guidance and support, your child can learn to understand and manage their abilities. Here are some tips for nurturing a child who sees spirits:

  1. Listen to your child: The first step in nurturing your child’s abilities is to listen to them. Encourage them to share their experiences with you and let them know that you believe them. Create a safe and non-judgmental space where they feel comfortable talking to you about their experiences.
  2. Teach them grounding techniques: Seeing spirits can be overwhelming, and grounding techniques can help your child feel more in control of their abilities. Teach them simple prayers, like, “Lord Jesus help me” or “Go away in the name of Jesus.”
  3. Create boundaries: Your home should be a safe place free from dark spirits that may scare your child. Techniques in my book, Peace in Your House, can help with this. Just because your child sees spirits doesn’t mean they should talk with the spirits. Encourage them to say “no” to spirits and to “go away.”
  4. Connect with a church community: Finding church community of like-minded individuals can be very beneficial for your child. Seek out local Christian groups or online Christian communities where your child can connect with others who have similar experiences. Consider joining our secure MeWe group to discuss your challenges. You may find it helpful to join the discussion on the Divine Council Worldview Facebook page as well. This can help you and your child feel less alone.
  5. Seek professional help if necessary: If your child is experiencing severe anxiety or distress related to their abilities, seek professional help. A therapist or spiritual counselor can help your child navigate their experiences and provide additional support.

Remember, nurturing a child who sees spirits is a journey. Be patient and open-minded, and encourage your child to trust the Lord Jesus. With your love and support, your child can learn to embrace their abilities and use them according to God’s desires.

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