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Introducing Ruth: One of the Modern Day Seers

I am excited to introduce Ruth, one of many modern day seers I personally know and consider a friend. I have invited her to share some of her wisdom about the seeing gift as a writer on this site.  By way of introduction, Ruth prepared her testimony, which we’ll release in three parts.

Ruth’s story is amazing. It will outrage some. Get over it. It’s her story, not yours.  She’s a seer. She doesn’t see things like most of us do… she sees things far more clearly in fact.

I’m often bemused when people hear or read about seers and say, “Well I don’t agree. This isn’t real.”  In other words, they think seers are insane; but that’s the world we live in. Most people don’t have a worldview to understand the supernatural. Thankfully, Jesus Christ does.

If you are a seer or if you parent one, you are welcome here. You’re not insane. You have a gift. We help you understand what it is.

Like so many seers I have heard from, Ruth also did not have a grid or worldview to put what she was seeing in and… well, let’s just hear the story from her. For reasons that may take some thinking to understand, I call her story…

Seeing the World Ablaze

Ruth’s Story, the Journey of a Modern Day Seer, Part 1.


Growing up neither my family nor I had the mindset of what a Seer was. I wish I had context for what I was experiencing. I wish I could have had the information and knowledge I have now about my gift.

I grew up going to a Spirit-filled church but it was a conservative church at that. Nothing was taught on the supernatural realm. This formed my worldview. It was very narrow and black and white. The supernatural didn’t exist to me. So I was left with a battle ragging within myself when I experienced things I couldn’t understand or comprehend.

This led me on the journey of trying to understand and put together the pieces of who I was and why I “felt” what I did.

I ended up leaving Central Illinois at the age of 18 right after high school and traveling to Europe. I was thirsty for truth of who Jesus was and wanted freedom in my own life. At the time I didn’t understand exactly why I left. Now I see God wanted to teach me about my life as a seer and cement my relationship with Him.

My journey led me to Norway where I would live almost 4 years studying for two years and working for two years with a Christian mission’s organization. During this time in Norway I learned I was a “Seer”. For the first time in my life I learned why I functioned the way I did. I was taught a worldview which included the supernatural and the gift of a seer. It was the first time in my life I felt I belonged. I had context to understand my gift and people who taught and mentored me in how to operate as a Seer. I was given tools to break down what I saw, felt and perceived.

The biggest thing I learned was how to use what I “saw” as a seer as spiritual warfare. They gave the confidence to fight back when I felt I was under attack and was overwhelmed. I would pray in Jesus name and contend for my freedom. The more victory I saw the more confidence I gained. As my confidence grew I was able to use my gift to help others.

A Child Growing into the Seer Gift

Looking back on my gift as a seer it started to develop when I was 3 years old. I remember feeling “bad feelings” in an apartment building my family and I lived in.

My family moved into rental house when I was 4. Once again I started to have”bad feelings” and years later my family found out a child was sexual abused in my bedroom in that rental house. I have no memory of that bedroom in the rental house. I just remember feeling uncomfortable.

At the age 5 my parents bought the house they currently have now. The house came with some spiritual garbage. My parents had the house (cleansed) prayed over by their Pastor. I believe that helped but I also believe that not all spirits left.

After moving in I started to experience nightmares and was afraid of the dark. I experienced nightmares mostly every night till was 21 years old.

Two times while growing up I had experiences where I could not move my body and woke up screaming. I had no explanation for why this would happen. Looking back it had to have been demonic. Thankful my mother would rush to my bed and years later she told me she was praying for me until I could move again.

When I was 12 years old I started to hear creepy music in my room when I was trying to fall asleep at time. I started to wear earplugs to drown out the music which worked but didn’t remove the problem…

To Be Continued…

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