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Reveal the Kingdom

Kingdom Conflict Black and White

The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel.

With these words, Jesus fired a warning shot across the bow of the Domain of Darkness that ruled and reigned freely across the world.

The forces the make up the Domain of Darkness didn’t understand what was going on, and but just in case, they eventually killed Jesus.

Little did they realize how they were playing directly into God’s plans, securing their immediate defeat, and the eventual subjection of the entire world to God’s rule and reign.

It wasn’t just the domain of darkness that misunderstood Jesus’ words. The Jews who heard his words misunderstood and many Christians today still don’t understand what Jesus meant when he announced with power and love:

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

On these pages, I’ll share selections from my upcoming book, “Kingdom Conflict”, which reveals the Kingdoms conflicting all around us.  Much of the content has been released on the sister-site, but haphazardly.  Here, I’ll make a more concerted effort to better organize the content.

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