Drag Queens re-enact the Last Supper at the 33rd Olympiad? On purpose or by accident? What’s really going on? Join Doug and Emily as they discuss.
Peeranormal episode that discusses Isaac Newton and John Dee: https://peeranormal.com/podcast/peeranormal-21-live-from-branson/.
I got a little bogged down in the sacred numbers discussion because I didn’t have time to really prepare. I almost edited it all out, but felt it was important enough to leave in. I decided to leave it in, as rough as it is, simply for this: the Greek god Chronos claimed control over time and measurements.
However, God truly controls time and measurements, based on God’s priorities. However, don’t read too much into these numbers. They are simply… interesting.
Based on David Flynn’s “Temple at the Center of Time.” Fall of Jerusalem = 587 BCE.
- The Temple was 587 miles from Babylon.
- 7*77 = 539 BCE. Fall of Babylon.
- Mina (1000) Mina (1000) Tekel (20) Uparsin (500) = 2,520.
- 7*360= 2520.
- A sacred cubit is 25.20 inches.
- 2520*pi = 7,916.813 (in miles, the average diameter of the earth). NASA studies list the Earth’s average diameter at 7917.479 miles. The modern measurement is off by .666 of a mile greater than the sacred calculation.
- Greek scholar Eratosthenes (ca 275-195 BC) calculated the circumference of the earth as 2520*100= 252,000 stadia, or 24,583.9 miles, suggesting 2520 was a sacred number in ancient cultures. However, this is 287 miles too short.
- Moon’s diameter = 6×360 in miles.
- Average distance from the earth to the moon is 77.77xPI to the 7th power.
- The farthest the moon is from the earth is 2520*100 in miles.
- Moon’s diameter is 2520-360 in miles.
- Jericho (city of the moon) was circled 7 times by Israel before it was destroyed. 7×360 degrees=2520.
- Circumference of the earth is 360*pi*pi.
- Queen Elizabeth’s seer and geographical advisor John Dee, generated the length of a mile, although it’s unclear the precise way he did this. He probably started with sacred numbers, 2520, 7, 360, 12, PI, and arrived at 5,280 feet for a mile.
- 5280 is a permutation of 7*PI to the 5th power.
For more on these calculations and many more, see David Flynn.
Final thoughts: Certainly God’s creation and timing have God’s numerical stamp throughout it, and part of natural theology uncovers this beauty.
And it’s also clear that the dark spiritual powers use these same numbers to signal their own agendas. 2,800 years from the first Olympiad to the 33rd one in 2024. 2800 / 2520= 1.1111111111….