“I was walking in to Grandma’s and I turned around and saw a guy reaching for me. He had a pointy nose and an Abraham Lincoln type hat. His clothes were all blue, even his hair and hat. Then I turned back around and shook my head with my eyes closed, and he wasn’t there anymore. And then I ran into Grandma’s. I wondered if ghosts are real. I felt scared.”
This is a typical encounter.
Here’s an answer to our child seer’s wonderment: No. Ghosts (the spirits of dead humans) aren’t real.*** But spirit entities are, and that one apparently had an assignment at her grandma’s.
***Updated 3/19/2014… This post illustrates how my understanding of the spirit world has evolved, especially my opinion of ghosts. Click here for more details. I now believe in ghosts and can justify why. It’s important to speak truth to our child seers when training them in the spirit world and in how to interact with it safely.