Many seers use their gift to reveal the activity of dark spiritual forces around them. Some reveal specific demonic spirits assigned to churches, allowing church leaders to take action against them – often through prayer, fasting, repentence and reconciliation.
In other cases, seers are invited to house cleansing operations, and reveal what spirits are at work. This equips the family with how to get rid of them.
Similarly, some seers can see exactly what kind of spirit is tormenting a person or family, and with this knowledge, equip spiritual leaders to bring aid.
Demonic Oppression, drawn in a Bible, circa 1375.
But using this gift comes with a cost. The enemy does not like to be seen. He works best in the shadows, in the dark, and away from the revealing light. Therefore, seers are persistently and brutally attacked by demonic forces.
Demon chasing someone, circa 1375.
The enemy spirits want to blunt the gift and to sow fear in the seer, so that the seer stops using the gift for Jesus. Spiritual attacks can take the form of nightmares or night terrors; a swarm of demonic energy assaulting the seer’s eyes, mind, and emotions; and even financial calamity, poor health, or things just going wrong.
These intense spiritual attacks on seers cause some to believe that the seeing gift isn’t really “from God”, but from the enemy, because “God will never allow a true seer to be tormented after revealing secrets.”
This is false.
Think hard about this: a seer who serves God reveals an enemy secret, so God will never allow the seer to be tormented. Right?
Let’s look at some Seers in the Bible for guidance. Here are 4 examples.
1. Joseph, son of Jacob.
Joseph dreamed that his family would bow before him. This dream was from God. The entire family understood the interpretation, which was also from God. Immediately, his brothers, consumed with irrational jealously, hate, and rage, conspired to kill him. Ultimately, they were persuaded to throw him in a pit, sell him into slavery, and fake his death. He was tormented for years. See Genesis 37 through 47.
2. Asaph the Seer
Asaph was a seer and a worship leader, and he wrote perhaps the most depressing and unsettling psalms. He was clearly tormented, and yet, he was a worship leader who used his seeing and musical skills for God. See 2 Chron 29:30 and Psalms 77.
3. Micaiah the Seer
The prophet Micaiah saw something incredible in the spirit realm and, upon King Ahab’s demands, revealed what he saw to the king, who immediately punished him for it. See 2 Chronicles 18.
4. Jeremiah the Seer
The prophet Jeremiah received numerous visions from God, and as a reward, the king threw him in a deep, dark, and wet pit. See Jeremiah 38.
Actually, Jesus lamented that God’s people tended to respond to God’s prophets by killing them. See Matthew 23:37.
Spiritual revelation will always result in spiritual attacks, and these attacks can manifest in physical ways.
Guardian Angel from the Book of Hours of the Holy Spirit, late 15th Century, Oxford
Protective Measures
So what can we do about this? How can we protect our seers from spiritual attacks, so they can safely use their gifts for the Kingdom of God?
Here are three ideas. The first two rely on biblical examples.
1. Horses and Chariots of Fire
The prophet Elisha saw the exact movements of an invading Syrian army. He informed his king of the enemy movements. The king listened and effectively parried the invasion with his smaller force. The king of Syria grew frustrated and dispatched a military force to kill Elisha.
But God dispatched an army of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. The army, responding to Elisha’s prayer to God, struck the enemy with blindness, so they couldn’t attack. Elisha showed them mercy and led the blind army out of the country, securing peace for the land. See 2 Kings 6:8-23.
Angel attacking a demon, circa 1375
Action Item: Ask the Father to release angels to surround the seer in your family or church; angels that will blind the enemy so they cannot attack, and then to lead the enemy out of the area.
2. Hedge of Protection
One day, God convened his council of spirits. One of the accusing spirits complained that he could not attack a man named Job because God had put a “hedge around him and his house and all that he has on every side.” See Job 1:6-10.
This is a very good thing to have.
Action Item: Ask the Father to raise a hedge of protection around the seer, the house, and all he or she has on every side. For that matter, ask this same hedge around you and your things as well.
3. A Stealth Prayer.
Modern military forces have invented stealth technology, which blinds enemy radar from seeing planes and ships. This is a great concept for a prayer, which is basically a modern adaptation to Elisha’s account above.
Action Item: Ask the Father to hide the seer from the enemy with a stealth (or prayer) shield.
Hedge of Protection
We don’t have to just take spiritual attacks from the enemy. Jesus instructed us to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it already is in heaven, and then he delegated to his disciples the authority to release it through prayer. See Matthew 6:5-13, 16:19, and 18:18. Take these actions to protect the seers – and others – in your life.